Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

34e Generall elireltions for 4 Kingdomes, and thevery confluence of all earthly con conceiving that hee wallower himfelfe in the over- fowings ofall worldlyfelicities ; but upon the fudden Rat- ting forjoy, breakes hisnecke, and tumbles into the hot_ tome of the Sea. They are luIIed afleepe by the deluding charmesofthe Devil], upon their beds ofprefumptuous fe- cuticle, all theirlife long, dreaming ofno danger at all, but ever confident theircafe is good enough toGod -ward : but their confciences being awaked upon theirbeds ofdeath, or atfartheft, at Gods Tribunali, they are fuddenly fwallowed upofdifpaire,and drowned ineverlafting perdition. I come now to fore-warneand fore-arme the trueChriftian, that withall watchfnlnefl'e and conflancle, hewould everlabour to prevent anddefeate the fecret of faults and infznuations of that white Devill, as a worthy Divine calls it, Spiri tuall pride, Aguilded poyfon, whichSatan, that cunning .4lchymif and hcllifh Spider, cloth fidi extract out of the very fweeteft and faireft flowers inCbrifls Garden ; Imeane, themoft holyvenues and heavenly gifts emplanted in his Childrens hearts; and then thereby fo envenoms andblafl them, that they lofenot onely their owne native fplendour andgracefulnefle, but alto their fruitfull communication to ethers, andcomfortable acceptationwith God. I fay, when e feesa nunextraordinarily enriched with fpirituall graces, he feekes might and maine tomake him fwell withprivy pride ; and topuffe him with an overweening conceit of his owneworth; that fo the Chriflian himfelfe may want the comfort ofthem;his brethren thefruit ofthem;andGod, the glory of them. When the ftrong man can no longer keepe goodneffe ont ofthe foule, but the holy Ghoft with a mercifull violence breakes in upon him and dwels there: his next endeavour is, to abufe even Grace it felfe, asan un- happy iniirutnent, toweaken-andwound it felfe,nay,fo fub- 6ap2ttar,oaè till isbe, and endlefíe in hisattempts,that ifhecannot make ïpfo vanægforiæ aman proud ofany thing elfe, heewill labour to make him toni ptuvanits proud that he is not proud, and toglory vainly, 6eeaxf he is + t. eo, g 8+ notvaineglorwwztis, Theorig inall andbreeding ofthis canker ire r