Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Epijile Dedicatory. the moil admired greatnefl"e and fufficiency upon earth, for which agreat part ofthe world exchange theeverlafling happineffeoftheir foules ; there is a paradife of Chrifliancomforts, a Royall Peculiar, a vicorious Simplicitie, anegleâed Innocency, a mar- vellous Light, an invifible Kingdome, an Heaven d upon Earth;which I call the flare ofGrace;and labor in the enfuing Difcourfe todifference from all perfe- cions and fufficiencies attaineable in the flareofun- regeneration. I meddle not purpofely with the noto- rious firmer : for (me thinkes) in thefe dayesoflight, there fhouldnone fo wilfully and deepely inwrappe himfelfe indarkeneffe; but that in his cold bloud,and more fober confideration , will acknowledge and confeffe, that the (late ofnotorious fàlfulneff°e, is the flareofwretchednefle and ofdeath. And that there is no hope for theDrunkard,the Swearer, theLyer, the Vfurer,theVncleane perfon,the Sabbath-breaker,the Sacrilegious, Simoniacall, and ¡inners offuch infa- mous ranke; but a fearefall looking for ofjudgemenr, and, without repentance and forfaking their hnnes, an erernall feparation both from all poffibilitie of grace, and found comfort in this life; and from the fruition ofthe joyes and bleffedneffeof heaven here- after. I therefore endevour and delire tocomeneerer and clofer tomens confciences; and to tell them, that out ofaconceit oftheir morali honefly, andoutward religioufneffe, they may perfwade themfelves that they are rich and encreafed in fpirituall (tore, and haveneed ofno more for the attainment ofheaven; when in deed and truth , as concerning the power of favinggrace and fincere exercife ofreligion, theyare A 4 wretched,