342 2013,; t. 8.. Eby6.1... P41. t8p.96. Gefrierall direiiiozss for a pretence, thelight of lefíer ftarres;much moreBothkutterly darkenthemateriali beautyofall the lights in heaven. Were theSunne which is nudeall of brighrneffe, and the ever- fpringing fountaineoffrefh thining beanies, prefented be fore that unapproachable Light which befets Gods facred Throne; it would vanifh away, as adarkefome moate and lumpe ofvanity. Where then woulda fraile finfull man ina houleof flefh appeare? Behold, faith lob, beput no trufi inhis fervants; andhis Angels bee chargedwith folly: bow much k on them that dwell in houfes ofclay, whole is in the duff, whichare crufhedbefore the Motb,Chap.4. t 8, r 9. Behold, heputtethno truff in his ,Faints; yea the heavensare not cleare in his fight :howmuchmore Abominable andfilthy isman, which drinketh ìniquitie lie water? Chap,i 5 , i 5, t 6. Behold even to the Moose, and it fhinetb not yea, the flame,, are not pure in his.fight : bowmuch letman, that is a [Forme : and the Anne of man which is aWorme?Chap. 25,5,6. A glimpfe,as it were, ofthat higheftglory, (hiving everlaftingly in that pureft in- createdEffence, God bleffed for ever, did make righteous Lb to abhorre bimfeelfe, and, repent in duff and afhes : Hoíy Ifaiab to cry. Woe is mee, for I am undone.. And to if thou alto turnethine eyefrom the vanityoffelfe-admiration, to- ward the infinite Sonne of abfolute and incomprehenfible purity; and then refle&upon thyfelfe, as he that hath gazed toomuch upon our vifible Sunne, looking downe againe Teethnothing ; thou{halt behold thenothingneffe of thine overweaned worth, andnothing but darkneffe and deform niitie ; and fo (halt findeinfinitemore matter ofhumiliation and abhorring thy felfe in daft and afhes, than of felfe eftimation and conceitedneffe. 3. Vpon the cleere Crifiall of Gods pure Law, which can difcover unto thee the leaft foot that ever Rained fo muchasany one of thy thoughts ; Chines with that perte&>: light, that itwould guide aright everyPeep which thou ma- keft inthewaywhich is called Hoty, and is of that latitude for prohibition offnne, and leading to purity and exa& pleafang of God : that though- wee mayfie an end ofall perr feifion,