Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

344 Generall directions fir 4 thofe very fame fumes; that thereby thou mayefl utterly quenchall Satans fierydarts, prevent drawing towards de fpaire ; nay, preferve thy fpiric in fweetefl peace,and uncon- querable comfort againff,Wit bepofíible,theleall diflruflfull intrufonofany terrour. 4. Vpon the holieft men thatever breathed, the life. of grace uponearth, and the molt renowned in the Church tho- rowall generations, for all fpirituall fufftciencies and excel- lencies ;and thou ¡halt finde themever molt humble in their. it" 1.24. owne conceits, vilefl in their owne eyes, nothing in their owne account. Mee thinkes holyPauli heavy complaint, wretched man that I am; who fhalldeliver meefrom the body of rc i.22.6.& 38. thb death ! Heavenly Davids continual' cry, lamaworm 344 5° 3. andno man : There itno reff in my bones, b ecau e my anne' ll,ty finne is ever before me, &ç. Bleffed Brafo of abfng himfelfe, who was oneof the worthrefh Martyrs, and the Heavenliefl minded man thatever breathedout his lattin the flames, and afcended toheaven ina fiery chariot, ashimfelfe 3, fpakeat the flake : I am at dry of a lone, faithhe, at Jambe at anayie 3 asfarre from praying; arhe that never knew any tafie ofit. He fometirne fubfcribed in this manner to thofe Iet ters whichwere full of fpirituall life, divinefi flraines, and demonflrationofthe Spirit : The moli miferable, hard-hearted; unthankfell firmer, lohn Bradford : A very painted Hypo- crite. I. B. &c. I fay,. Me thinkes, the humble deportment of.thefeandall truely holy Ones Mould rather make thee linke yet lowerin thine owne conceit, then fwell with the poyfonofPharifaicall felfe-conceitedneffe. 5. Keepe in a readineffe, and in frefh remembrance filch confiderations andcooling cards, as it were, as thefe;when thyheart begins to fwell vaine-glorioufly : That thouhad. deft thine hand in that fire-worke, which blew up all man- kinde; I meane, inAdams tranfgreflibn, that brought forth fucha bloody lea offinne.andforrow into theWorld ; fuch ofmiferies and mifchiefesupon all the fonnes and daughter's ofAdam ; all tortures upon earth,and tormentsin Hell thorow all eternity : That thou camelt into this world, a finkea