Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walkingwith God, 345 a finke,a Sodome, avery hell ofall filth and impuritie ; of all corruption and crookedneffe,even a little Devil! fordark- neffeand damnation : that thou wofully loft andmil-fpentft manyyeares,perhaps thebelt ofthy time,flrength ofyouth, flowreofthyage in Satans fervice, andupon thy owne abo- minable lutts :That now upon thy converfion, the meere workeofGodsfree grace, thoubeing honouredwith part in Chrifis Paflion,withthe prefenceofthe bleffed Spirit dwel- ling in thee, with the higheft advancement of being Gods Favorite, the dearedy beloved of his rook ; yet the belt Sab- /cr. .7. bath phat thou patíeft over, the holietl duty that thou per- fort-left, is difiained and diflempered with fo many imper- fe&ions, ditlra&ions, frailties,andfailings:That while thou yet inhabitefi a houle offlefh, thou haft inherent in thy bowels, fecret feedes, and inbred inclinations to all finne, (Me& tl:e fan&ifyingSpirit for thypriviledge andprefer- vation)even toAtheifine,felfe-murder,Sodomy, defpairing ofGodsmercy,familiarity withiwicked fpirits,finneagainft the Holy Ghoft, &c. That whereas thoufands about thee goe on in their finnes,and perifh everlattingly, thy felfe, it may be before thy change; wortl than moteof them ; yet now being fanaified, thou mayeft be affured, thy name was writ inHeaven, from all eternitie; and therefore from everlafling thou layeft in the bofome of Gods love, and from thefame everlafling had the Lord Iefus, :fet apart to flied his blood in the fulnefleof time, for the Ovation of thy foule ; and have patience but a little, and everlaflingre- frefhing (hall come from the prefence of theLord : thou fhalt thineas the brightnefhe of the firmament forever and ever. And in all this who made thee to differ? Thou waft framed of the fame mould, made, as it were, of the fame cloth, onely the fhearesgoing betweene, with thofe that perith; It was onely Gods free grace, the goodpleafure óf his will. Thefe and the likeconfiderations layde together, fhould infinitely rather move thee with all humble re- verence to adore the bottomleffe depth of Gods free Love unto thee;thenconceitedly to magnifie thyfelfe a- Z 4 .bone