346 Generalludireflions for a have thy brethren, or proudly infult over' thofe that are without; topraifé thy God with a never fatisfied admirati- onofhis unconceiveable bounty, then to plague thy fouie, and, as it were, emlaoyfon thy graces with an humour of pride. 6. Thou mutt (portly be ftri&ly accountable at the jufl Tribunall ofGod, for the ufe and imployment ofall the good thingshee hash givenunto thee ; ofthy life and every moment ofit; ofthy goods and everyfarthing of them ; of every word thou ever.fpokefl of every thought that ever fprungout ofthyheart ; ofevery Sermon thou ever heardfl ; ofevery Sabbath thou haft folemnized; ofevery line thou haft write ; ofevery glanceof thine eye ; of every journey thou haft made, &c. of thy wit, memory, learning; ofthy ftrength,coutage, credit ; ofthine honour, power,andhigh place Ina word, ofevery benefit oranygood thing in any kinde thou ever receivedfl fromthe bountifaIl and bleffed handofAlmighty God.And themoe and more excellent and extraordinary endowments, and gracious indulgenceshave Beene vouchfafed thee from the ever- fpringingFountainof all good : the moreexa&ly mull thou be anfwerable, and in proportionaccountable for more. Wherefore, fith the gra- ces offalvation imcomparably excell and out(hine all other humaneabilities; all excellencies ofnature, art, policie,lear. ring, or what elfe can be named admirable in the eyes of men; (hod lookes that wee fhould keepe thofe heavenly Jewels efpecially orient, bright and (pining; communicate them moil frankely and abundanly to our brethren ; and withall watchfulnefl'e and wifdome upon all opportunitieF, imploy them ro our Mailers gr eatefl and mall" glorionacd- vantage. Now there is nothingmore hinders the fruitfulll improvement of them than Pride : Nothing makes them more pafíâble andprofitable than Humility. A proud man puff upwith an opinionofhis good parts, cloth ordinarily, out ofan itching ambitious humour,fingle out Inch feafons fordifcovery of himfelfe,and oflentationof hisgifts; when bee .may wine muff applaufe from meth, and (hew him- felfe..