Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable cvalkipg with God, 347 felfe vaine- glorioufly ; and thereupon is more rare, dainty, and refereed in exercifing his talent.-But a downright hum- ble Chriflian is in this kinde unrefervedly and indifferently' for all places,times, and perfons ; where, andwhen he may bring gloryunto God, good unto others, comfort to his owne foule indifcharging a good confcience. fleedares not forhis heart, either out ofhumour, or for feare hee lhould make himfelfe too cheape, as they fay, Or any other vainere- fpetl, conceale any thing in his heart or braine, were it the highell firaine of his heavenly skill, or any experimental) fecretin the myffery of shrift, from the meaneit Chriflian, could he wifely and feafonably thereby doe him any fpiri- Wall good. Let us therefore infinitely abhorre, by filthy vaine-glory, to flaine the glory; andblafl the fruitfulnef e of our graces; but rather with all humilitie and watchful- nell'e obferve and apprehend all thewayes,occafions and cal- lings, whereby wemay glorifie God moll with them, and improve them bell for our Loris advantage ; that fo wee may give up our account at the great and univerfall Audite, withmore favour,and enter more comfortably into our Ma= fiers joy. 7. Let thefeare andforefight üfthe manyfearefullefEls, and much ill that ce tainely fojlowes, and is ever 'found whore the white Devil, fpi iEuall pride, haunts, hunt it out ofthy heart, and keepe a continual narrowwatch againfi all its flie infinuations. Befides that it plagues the foule that harbours ir, withmany fpirittiall milertes,difletnpers, difac- quaintance with God ( for Flee is ever molt familiar with thofe who are mol4 humble) pharifaicalt fwellings, inflam- ma.iaus of furiouszeale, and the like ; it ever proves alto of i,eflileat con quence and prejudice to the common {late ofgoodnefie, to the hcn3urand acceptation of Chriflia- nitie. s. A truely proud proreffvur, puffed up with his gifts andf:uppofed fiiciencies; which wickedly aimes mere at vaine-glory, than glorifying God; at his ovine pràife, than profiting others,is for the moil part very irkefonr, te- diousaand btardenfome to the company of humble, wife, ju- dlcious.