comfortable walking with God. 349 will expè& anddefire exemption ? Bleffed be God, that our good namesareoyled3 fo that the inke will not (tierce which iscaft upon them. There is fcarce a religious Profeffor, efpc- dailyofrefolution and fpirit to befound, but fome men of the world will charge himwith furlineffe andpride.Where as manytimes,not only the imputation is mif-grounded,mic. taken, miffe-imputed, faftened upon him for the molt part, by reafon ofhis r. inconformity,to thecourfes cftheworld, andcorruptions of the times, 2. unfociableneffe with pro- fanemen, 3. refòlution and undantedne(fe in good caufes, q innocencyand independency, which beget boldneffe and braveneffe ofminde, &c. But alto thofe fellowes themfelves, who fogander him ; becaufe their confciences were never illightenedwith fight,fen fe, andacknowledgement of the fouleneffeoffnne, their oWne vileneffe, the exa&neffe of Gods Law, purity of his molt holy Nature, feveritie anel certainetyof his Iudgements ; cannot poflibly chufe but be paffingly proud. Yet for all this, I wouldadvife all thofe who have in carnet} given theirnames toChriff ; that they would walk; warily, and fo demeane themfelves,'that. they give no juft offence in this kinde. For when theyhave tryed bothwayes, they (hall finde, that riercifulnefl` and meeke- neffe to thofewhich are without ;humilitie and hu.nanitie; affable, courteous, and loving deportment; and-fo becomti ming all things to all men in Pauis fenfe, and fo farceas wee cot,r.3., , maywith agood confcience,is the better way,fubfcribed un x Pet. 3.8. to by themanifoldexperiences ofwi Idi andworthiePt Chri- i Co .23e flians, to winne honour to our pre feflion, togaine moe unto Gods fide,and to preferveour felves inas much peaceamidit a naughtyand crooked generation, as holineffe will pofliibly permit.3,God in his ¡Mt Iudgement gives over Inch an One The over-gosdcoa: ñometimesto fanrafticall opinions,oddeand abfurd tennrs, nr oed eá. fwarving braineleffely and íènfelefly from the holy har- mony of confefliions,and our bleffed pureOrthodoxe Ar- tfeh ffd Pher titles of Religion the truth whereof, everyhone(t man, if nzw,rGer41%.r_' need required, ought to feale with his blood : which when a;idPartrcntar fupetficialnef ;,and its ordinaryconfort,feale-conccitednefíc, hav e