3s© Generali direaionsfor a have unhappily brought forth, by the midwifery ofa kinde offpirituall wantonneffe ; be they never fo mopftrensand mifthapen, yet force giddyheads will hearken and ,hanker after them ; fo that many times many weake, ungrounded, unfable youngbeginners in Profeflion,are limed,and woful- ly entarigled,as we ièe toooften in our chiefeft Citie,whence enfues an incredibledeale ofprejudice,hurt and hinderance, even tothecommon flare gfgoodneflè; to the honour and acceptationofChriftianitie. For thereupon is raifèd acry in all conventiclerofgoodfellow(hip, &confiftories ofworld- ly wifedome : That thefe forward profeffc urs will all turne phantaflicall, Familifls, Anabaptifts, Arrians, any thing. Whichcryawakes the eye of State-jealoulie ; and fo by an unworthyconfecluent, drawes upon chofe who are true of heart, even Godsbelt fervants, and the Kings beat fubje&s, difcountenance,fufpicions,if not moleftarion ; unnecetfari- ly, caufelefly. For fomight yee roóte up your Rote- trees, becaufea worme fometimes breeds in the fweetef bud. So might yee eattingulthMonarchies from the faceof the earth, becaufe they fometimes degenerate into tyrannies.So might yee conceiveill of Peter,and the refsof the Apof}les, becaufe Iudas provednaught, &c. 2. Sometimeshe fuffers him ro fall into force groff finne, in the faceof the World, and be- fore the watchfulleye offcornefull enemies ; the infamyand fcandall whereofbeing once on wing,flieabroad as fwift as theEagles of the Heavens over a wholeCountrey, over a Kingdome ; the Devils and their drunken trumpetters are fpeedy Dromedaries to carry fuchnewes: and this concur- tent cry refounds fromall places withmuc'ì wicked triumph and infultation : Topsfie non, rabaat tiefe Profeffrs are ; One fo famous for his forwardneffe, is fallen into filch a grofl-efinne, and fo notorioufly; They are evenall alile, &c. Which by accidenr,and in the event redounds too often, to the inexpi- able difgrace ofour holyprofeJion,the firentn herringofthe flubborne, the ftaggering ofthe ftrong, the fluncingofchofe which arecoming on, the hindering of the weake, the hardening ofthewicked, the chainingofthe scorner, (arre fafier