Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withGod. 3 5 fafter to his chaire of peflilence. Woe unto him by whom fuchoffence doth come ;except by a remarkeable repentance and recovery, after blefï'ed Davids example, he re-eftablifbt hinifelfe in the hearts ofGods people, and flop themouthes of the adverfaries,who are equallyguiltie of impenitencie, as of farce, perhaps, grofier impieties. Atflin doth excel-. lentlyexpreffe, and to the life, thewylineffeof the wicked, and humour of the world upon filch unhappie occafi ins. aEp,., 3 7,Hor. Therewas as it feemesa fome fuch fcandaious accident be- taint omttes, ne temerè ju fell inhisfamily. Whereupon bee writes an Epiftle to the néve ob pdiaveo cenr Minifters, Seniours, and wholeCitie ofHippo : and heartily Pm" deli eiant td intreats them all, a that themfeelves would not therefore either pietare, vel de faint in that Chriffian courfe and holy Pro a z^on or omnibus maiè , fJJ ; fnfpicencur, de-, Joule with fiefpicions and cenfures upon all, for the faults of a clarans mrlam few : for there is nofocietie r happy, which ifnot_gained with emefociecaem, fame villany. Although, faith he, difcipline be exercifid in my in qua non ati_. family' with a watchful! eye, yet I am a man, and live amongft iren; and therefore cannot prefume that mine hou f Jiiould be ame ct 21ietä bétter than the Ark., of Noah; than the hottfc ofAbraham ; than C1piina Éo:nns the bottle ofIfaac ;than the houfe ofJacob; than the houfe of Da- mi, <é oHint, vid, &c. In all which, f me merenaught ;nay,than the family of a netmihi . Isfur Chrili, inwhich there was .z traztour anda thiefe. Laß- wog; esaudeo, fy, than Heaven it felfe, fromwhich the Angels fell. But that meliorG quam whichI would principally have you take noticeof in that Atca Noé 3 obi amen rg:evo&o Epiftle, and for which I fpecially mention it, is Aufltn:cm- bus hominesrepro phaticall,elegant;and effeEtuall expre(ling the eager,itching, tams t need ambitious humour of the wicked, to father and fallen the (ìor Gt,quàm do- faults ofCome upon the whole generationof the jaft.Infiant, was Abr.hæ, obi l' di&um ell, Ejice faithhe, Satageent, ambiant ; Icannot expreífe their full fig- Ancillam& iZ nificancy in Eng) li`h p ;They but art of his meaning is every elm t our n'elior fir, guàrn domos way, and infinitely labour, that when fume profefl-ors of ho- l raae,ettidedeo. line hive foulely fallen indeed, or be only fofianderedthe áßs seit,niaof dilexï, bfau au- remodiobábult u- meliox 1kquasi domus ;Otis Tacob,6i7e&um p delis filiusinee(:avit:aut melior fcrquàm domes iufius navid,cu;us filius cam forme concubuit,cujus alter fi!ius' cont apatristarn fan., ttammantuetndinem rebellsvit,Scc.attt melior qua n cob abitatio ipfus DominiChrißi rn qu°a unde- cem bon:, petfidum& fitcemludamtoteravdame : aueme'ior fir poftremò,quàmccclum,nndeAngels ' seciderunt. Cùmdealiquibas,guifIndiumnumenprofinentar, altgnid criwnns, vet fal1tatisfons Vita vcl veri patuceit; i,,fsan , _faragnnt, arnbiunc, na de omnibus hoc credarut. World