3 S 2 Gener.alldireltinn.r for 4 Worldwouldbeleeve, That theyare all fuch. Doe you not thinke in his timeshe World did thus infult andexclaime,or .4' The meet brings in.the likemanner uponLots fall: Here nowyou fee* Puri. in the Sodomites tan. Lot who could not endure the good fellowthip ofthe thud frealting ante 3 Lo : Sodomites ;he is now himfelfe feized upon by heel}, The BaJ afits_ are all fuch Iwill azvarrant yo In David., Lime : What, t' get,eeme thou hi- ) rt. ,her thru? David? aman foprecife,that he profet th alyar than. nottar- 4platr,&imeac r inhis .hght,Pfal.Ioi..Hathhe taken away another marts ntttte'Qr .,sash y ° to . e wife_? .Torsfee nowwhat theyare all, &c. Proportionably n ..Agit (Puritan there times, (and it will be thehumour ofthofe thathate to Phey Rlt rot here desfe, ere.. bereformed to the worlds end, fo to calumniate) ifany wbo The t scion, have given their names unto Chrif, be detefled,, nay, or fitfpe&edofany notoriousfcandalous crime, it is a fufficent warrantfor thewicked ro rai to a generali cry, and proclaims every where ; They are allalike. And good fellowes, as they callthem, will thinke themfelves wronged, if the World thereupon doe not conceive theonely difference between themand forward Profefiours tobe; thatthefe.carry things more cunningly, and have anart in concealing their nii(èar- riages.We,faythey,are plaine-dealingmen,andappeare,aswe are; we are fief]] and blood, andmul have our pleafures; and therefore refreth our (elves at manymerry andJeviail mee- tings : we fweare fometimes, anddrinke, andgame.; and to tell you true, doe agreat deale worfe; but without hypocri. fie : whereas the demure holy Ones beare themfelves more refervedly, weareavizor in their vifible converfar ion, but attire your felves,finne in fecret as well as we.Jut} as Arlin faith in the forecited place .; Thewicked watch and obferve,; a one: cans cC and ifthey (pie anyofthe better fide tofall, theywould pre- recreant, fcd fently have theworld to thinke, a That the refl are all tech; nonomncs pct onely theyare not everdifcovered. Now theLord rebuke thee, manifefìari. Satan,who foinfatuatefi the judgements, and blindet} the bNonperiitfra- underfiandings ofmen, otherwifeof good parts, and very ternitas pea pro_ worldlywife,whom peer c°t,qut pro_ , thouwofullyhoodwinkelt and hardneft Crtenturquoanon to theirendleffeoverthrow. r . That they thould wickedly fuzr...t jNil. io and abfurdlycondemn ball for Tome, whereby they barre l ¡al. r; 2. a Pet rj, thetttfelves everlaflirglyfrom the love of the Brotherhood®, z. That