comfortablewalking, ;pith God. 353 2. hat they fhouldereEt Tribunals in other mens confcien-,' ces( which is GodsRoyal' prerogative;)and fo mifcenfure their hearts, to their owne hardening. 3. That they fhotrld not be able todifcerne betweene being haled andhurried; as it were, into fomefinne, againft thegenerali purpofe ofa mans heart, and pra&ifeofhis life, by the violence offorce remptation,pallìon,or impetuous fudden infnarement,which heafter heartily bewaileswithmuchbitterneffeoffpirit,and exemplary repentance, willing,ifGodwere fopleated,to re. deeme the fcandall ofhis fall with the fheddingofhisblood; takingoccafion thereupon towalke more warily, and todoe more nobly in the fervice ofhis God, all tte dayes of his life : anda refolved delightful' wallowing in varietyoflufs, pleafures,andgrofl'e finnes;without any repentanceor refor- mation at all. Iconclude thewhole point, and a good part ofmymea. ping in the words ofan excellent Writer, not much altered. I not onely holdis lawful' to rejoycein thofe goods things, wherewith Godbath blefled us in any kindewhatfoever, e- fpecially thePaving gifts ofthe holy Ghoft ; but a noteof muchunthankefulneffe, to entertaine themwitha fullen and unfeelingdifpofition.Yet all humane affe&ionsand endow ments,whereindue reverence toGod iswanting,are nobet- ter thanobfcureclouds,hindring the influenceofthat blared' Light, which clarifies the fouleofman, andpredifpofeth it unto the brightneifeofeternall felicitie.Sothat infolent joy, and overweening which aman inthe pride of hisvaine ima- gination,conceivethofhis owne worth,doth above-ail òthef paffions blaf} our mindes, as it were,with lightning, and makeus refle&our thoughts upoá our owne feeming inhe- rent goodnefle; forgetting the whilft Him, towhom weare indebted for our very Being: and betides, it blowesupon ourgifts with fuch amalignant humour, that theyalto be come unfruitful) andunprofitable toothers. Thus much concerning the fira extreme anderrour inma., paging our fpirituall ettate, to wit, aproud overprizing of Dur ownegraces with a conceited ,over-weening felfe-efii4 nation. -,