354 r';á°,83.,. Gáa,s. s y. ROM 29.,9. Generall direc`yions for a mation. I comenow to the fecond, which is,A deje&ed did flruffull under-valuing ofGods mercies,thepromifesoflife and grace whichwe.poffeffe. And here!cannot hold, but muft,evenwith Tome indigna- tion,expoftulateand conteft with manyofGods biddenOren, about theirheavy, pen five, anduncomfortable walking; for thatthey are fo farre from entertainingand expreffing that unfpeakeable glorious joy, which upon their new birth, is theirnative portionand patrimony ; their juft and due inhe- ritance ; as certainely theirs be aneverlafting proprietie and right(ifthey wouldbut open their eyes to fee it,andenlarge their hearts to grafpe it)being afruit ofthat holy Spirit which dwels in them; and a priceofChrifts Kingdome eftablifhed in their foules, as their cloathes upon their backes, their hearts in their bodies,andblood thatrunnes in their veines: I fay, they are fo farre from walking in the frength,and light of this joy, that they wickedly, I dare fay, if not wilfully, abandon andexpofe their fpirits, freed for everby theLambs blood, from thehellifh fangs of any flay ifh horrour, to the unneceffarie racke ofmuch fruitleffe, unworthy, and flavith fadneffe. Whereby,befides their owneneedleffe finfull felfe- created torment, z. They molt unworthilyunder-value,abridge,anddifpa- rage the infinitenefíeofGodsdeareft and tender, mercy; who is a thoufand times more ready andforward tobinde up any brokenheart, thanit tobleede before him, 2. They unneceffarily difable and indifpofe themfelves for the duties, and comfortable difcharge of both their Callings. 3. Theygratifie Satan,and fatisfie his cruell humour;who ifhe cannothave a mans company in Hell hereafter ( for if he werePure ofthat,he wouldmake him live as joyfully and jovially, as hecouldpofiibly) he labours might and maine, toholdhimupon the racke of flavifhdiflrufffidl terrours,all the dayesofhis life. 4. Theyare thereby many times occafionsof difcourage- ment,Sc dif a.artning to thole whicharewichout,that they are