comfortable walking withGod. 3SS are more loath toenter into the wayesof life ; prejudging them tobe thorny and rough,darke and deepe, full of dumps anddrooping,ofheavine fie andhonour; whereas indeedand truth, they are all pavedwithmercy and love, ftrowed with Violets andRofes,full offrefh fprings of fpirituallcomforts and fweetely illightened even in thedark& fi pafíages, with heavenly andhealingbeames ofthe Sunneofrighteoufnefíe, Forwhether it bee fit tobeleeve the Spirit ofall truth and comfort ; or the fcornefull fpirit of impure drunkards, and ,xt; Satans Revellers ;judge you. This precife and ftri&wal- ,Qf,Wa4 ,7 king fay they, which is preffedupon us with fuchimportu-pfpfd Q`,'E e nateneffe,and confidence,would but leade us tomopifhneffe, andmelancholy ; would enchaine us to that abridgement of our pléaiure,refiraint from company; from crowningour a Prov.3.17. felves with Rofe-buds, and former cont.fes ofgood fellow- chu,iip vtua fhip andmirth,ofwhich ourgenerous and Joviall fpiritsare e_.l djsgusa molt impatient, and utter;y uncapable. But what faith the gnaaievcit; NettedSpirit ; a Herwayes are wayesof pleaJantneJie t and all Non conreese herpaths arepeace. Theygive them occafiun tomifconceive cotta, teao_ p p , ne[}. Quid aa that the yoke of Chrif# is burdenfome, andwill gaule their bitatiats > Quie e neckes : whereas in truth and trial!, it is b eafie and light,and móÄfgatuú- would prove a chain of heavenly Pearlestoadorne their victim Vincuga ;- foules that after they have given their names to profeffion, tia coputat.Sce. they (hall never have merry day, but mofi neceffarily bid -lm. de rá ii adieu toall delight: whereas their ¡oyes fhouldnot be taken Ni oe,,a, 22. away, but onelychanged, as one of the Ancients fpeakes; timefce,e,fuavi- and that moli happily, and with an unvaluable advantage. tpanunmin.[ekaryimï rßz For the filthand froth of their fenfuall bitter-fweete plea - ut ái titres,fügitivefollies, andfuriousdelights,whichpaffeaway "ontottuñtur. in the a&,as the tafle ofpleafant drinkedyeth in the draught, a c ä @gip (houldbeturned into that true unconquerable fpirituall ¡PVT", joywhich theworld cannotgive, nor mannor devill take laro r pruci- away. c Their crafhesofloud laughteramid their pots and to increment pa!limes, whichare but as thecracking of thornes under a fed o n rZai- pot, the Devils Wakes and Muficke for Hell, fhould bee CO meiod;o ud0 ,t converted into fweete, confiant, habituall contentment of lis rcligeü5 rninde. Nay more ; Whereas before in thevery height and .8:7:: A a ruffe MIRY