3 5 Generali direr%ions for a atlidesconvivis um peccatoris interroga ejus confctenaiam , Nonne gravids omnibus betet fepulchris? In_ tneris Ittitiarn: titiam:ejus &Ca_ lubritatem mira ris corporis;filio- rumatque opum. abundantiam : íintrofpice ulcera Et vibices animi tjus ; cardifque mccilitudinem. br.offir. lib. 1.cap. í z. , jiulciores Punt. lacheyma: prants uns, quàmgaud in t6eatrorum;..fu- gsf.ruPfa.r. 27, ruffe oftheir maddeft meetings, moa roaringoutrages and revellings,theirhearts upon remembrance of death, their fe- cret impenitent guiltinefle,that ariaaccount at Godsdread- full Tribunali, at which they may bee arraigned the next houre,&c. were full often twiccht a and flung withmany in- ward bitter gripings,and flwith foretafies ofhellifh tcrrour; yet upon their change,and change of ioyes,even in the high- eft tide and torrent oftheir penitent b teares, and forrow for finne (.and they thouId be fad for nothingelfè) their fpirits (hall be refrefhed and ravifht with a Paradife of fweeteff peace,and heavenly glimpfesofeternall light. In aword, if they would in carnal: abandon the Devil's fervice,come out. ofHell,give their names untoChrift in truth,and try;Idare afore them in the Word oflife and truth, they would not exchange the faddeft houre of all their life afterward, with the prime and flower of all their formall fenfuall pleafures ; might theyhave ten thoufand Worlds to boot. Here then is no Ioffe inthe change. But in themeanetime,much toblame are they, wkobeing trulyGods, yet out of weakeneffe,want ofwifedome,wilfull Wining unto thefatheroflyes, will not give way to the counfell of the Prophets, that they may, profper in fpirituall.hearts-eafe, and fo prevent Such occab Sob _gts.as.. 3er°4^3 a, Job 15. z4. *ay51"9- t'. a,, fions, Let tLiofe that hate tobe reformed, hang - downe their Meads:let fwaggering 8elfhazzars countenance be chan- ged ; let his thoughts trouble him,let the joynts ofhiss loynes be loofed, Rndhis knees £miteone again£}another : let the hearts of all ambitious Nimrods, covetous Worldlings,fwinifhDrun- kards, filthy Whoremafters, cruell Vfurers, Ioversof plea- fares;or whofoever liveand lye inanybeloved finneagainit an illightened confcience, tremble as the leaves of the Forref# that arefhalen with the .windc: Let afottnd offeare be ever is their carel, and forrow. feize upon their hearts, as the pangs ofa woman in travell; evenas the torture of her that bring- eth forth her child : Let trouble and anguifh, and the cup oftrembling in the handofthe Lordmake them afraid; and let theneveryhonre looke tomeete theirangry God, as a Beare-