x comfortable walking with God. 357 Beare bereaved ofher Whelpes, to rent the very cawle of their hearts, and devoure th em life a Lyon : Let fadnefíe fit upon their foreheads as its proper feate,and furies ofconfcience affright their fpirits full withcries ofbloods Let no voyce of joy or gladnefa beheard in their habitations, but the molt griezly apparitions ofdamnedhorrour, dwell for ever in the eyeof their guiltyconfciences. For without repen- tance, this is theirlot, and this is their everlafting portion. And molt happy were they, ifany thing would fright and fire themout ofthe armes ofdarkenefie and fnaresofthe de- vilY ; I fay,let theafpiring Lucifers looke heavily,upon fore- light of theirdreadfull downfall;for thoughthey exalt them- felves as the -.Eagle, and though they Jet their naffs among the ()bada ffarres yet' thence will I bring them dome, faith. the Lord. ?hough their cxccllencie mount up to the heavens, and their lob head reach unto the clouds, yet they (hall perifh for ever like their owne dung. Let all covetous worldlings cry out, for fo theholy Ghoft commands them ; Gee to ,sow, yeerich men, zneepe and bowie for your mifiries that frail come repon you; Iam.$:x.z. jour riches are corrupted, and your garments motheaten, your gold and folver it cank, red, and the ruff of them fhall bee a oitneffe againfi you, andfhall eate your ffefh as it were fire: ye bave -heaped treafure together for the laß dayes, Let all impure goodfellow- drunkards hold downe their heads, and Towle for the horrible Woe which dogges them at heeles: Woe to the Crown° of Pride : to the :Drunkards of Ephraim, tray Behold the Lord bath a mighty and prong One, which as a tempefi of bade, and a deftroying forme ; as a flood of mighty 1 eoç 6.1o. waters overflowing, fha!! caf downe to the earth with the hand, the Crowne of Pride : the Drunkards of Ephraim (hall be tre- den dowse underfeete. Let thevery heartflrings of all lafci- vious wantons tremble at the terrour ofthat cutting commi- nation, Heb. i 3. 4. Whoremongers' and Adulterers God will fudge. Let that flinging But, Eccle i 149. f+rìke cold to the hearts ofall fenfuall Gallants and fonnesofpleafures: Re- joyce, O young man, in thyyouth, and let thy heart cheere thee in thy dayes ofthyyouth, andwalke in the watyesofthine heart, A a 2 and