Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

358 Gerrrall direiou rr s and in the fight ofbrine eyes . But, kuore tbu that fr a17 tho things God will bring thee into judgement. Nay, let the heart ofeverymm whofoever hebe, ofwhat cloth foever his coat be made, that goes on in the willing allowed praEtife ofany one knowne ii'ine, fall afuuder in his brea(t like drops of water, for thedayofhorrour that is at hand, and the fword ofvengeance whichhangsover his head. For certaúieIy,at l.sáe t. length the Lord will wound thehairy fèalpe ofevery one that goeth onflillin his treJpafs. In a word, wailing and wring- ingof hands, woe and alas, is the merrieft long that any wicked manuponearth can fingupongood ground,while he yet abides in his unregenerate Bare. Who doth notfee and acknowledge it;except he wilfully (hut hiseyes, orbegrofly hood-winkt bythe Devill or a ranke Atheift ?For there is a 9 5n. ey. cup, which iscalled, acup ofGods fury, and a cup of trem- bling, in the handofthe Lord ; whofe little finger is able to beate thegreate4t mountain topowder, and rent the hardefi Rocke in peices : and the wine is red : which intimates unto us thefharpenefíe and fiercenefTe ofGods fiery indignation it isfull ofmixture;brimfull of flinging ingredients and he pe retbout ofthefame; to flirre up and quicken, as it were, the bitterneffe and very bottome : and all the wickedof the earthpall, will they, null they, wring out the dregs thereof and drinkthem, Pfal.75. Y. But now onthe other fide, Let all thole of the Brother. ' hood, I ufe the phrafe of theholy Ghofl;all thole who have given their names.toChrii in truth,and are trueofheart in his holy fervice, upon whole heads everlafling light doth rat, lift up their heads. Let theamiable afpe&offweetneffe and peace ever dwell upon their foreheads : Let heavenly beames offpirituall lightfomeneffe and mirth thine frefh in their faces : Let never uncomfortable dampe of any flavi(h f dnefieortouchofhellifhterrour ,vexetheirbletredhearts: Let themnever more be afraidofanyevill tydings, or of de- ,truEtion when it cornmeal. In a word; Let them be infi- nicelyand for ever merry, and fweetly glad at theveryheart ;mace. Andgoodcaule way, It is the chargeand.command of