Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withGod. 35.9 ofthe Spirit ofall truthand comfort,Be glad in the Lord,and refoyceye righteous, andfrout for joy, allgee that are upright zrt heart,Pfal.32. It. Oh therefore that the Lord would be pleated fo topert fume and Iweeten the enfuing paffages, with the refrefhing glimpfesof his glorious face, and deare infutons of Divine Joy that I might be vouchfafed that honour ofbeing his humble Inf}rument, to raite up, and quicken thedrooping fpirits ofall that are trueof heart ; ofall that bearea fincere invincible affeEtion to theGofpell ofIefus Chriít,and power ofgodlineffe; that they would be everlafiingly merry that they would arifeand (hake themfelves from theduff, andput on their beautifull garments ; thatthey would for ever, with a refolution nevertobe (flatten with all the powersofhelp banifh and barre out oftheirhappy foules all their unnecef:, Cary fcruples, difituti.s,dejedtions, fad thoughts, andheavi- neffe ofheart ;that they would out of fenfibleneffeoftheir prefent nnutterablè felicity, and firengthof their truly He- toicall fpirits, beareand behave themfelves as heiresof hea- ven indeed : and as theFavorites ofthe King of Kings t` So fhould they infinitely more honour the fweeneffe ofGod mercifull difpofition;the deareneffe ofhis love ; the tender- Pçfe of his compafhionate bowels ; thebottomleffe myaerie ofins free grace; theprecionfnef eand truthofhit pr'ómife'4 the unvaluableneffe of his Sonnes blood ; the pleafantnefl oldie wages ofgrace ; and theglorious worke of the holy Gholi upon their owne bleffed foules. Let them ever keepefrefh and f gong in their' mtndes fp this purpofe, fucl1 caufefnll confïderatíons as thefe r. True joy,themot} noble, ftvet't and amiablë affèiliöìi that ever warmed the heart of man; is by' warra stable pro, prietie and rightful' intereii, onely peculiar andproper'to honefl, humble, andholy - hearts. Suchgracious andgolden' Cabinets are onely fit for this heavenlyJewell. The beauty, anddelicioufneffeofir,are confinedonely to the conirnuni- on -or Saints, the fowled Fountain; the Spout ofChriff. The Brotherhood alone is bleffedwith its r'ettefhmerifi. and x Ted. 1,11 A a 3 ravifhing 4 i