36 o Generali direaren, for a ravifhing induencejt neverdid, or ever will (!line or fpark e out the leadglimpfe upon theworld,or toany earthly heart.; Themoll ambitious eager hunters after pleafures,the worlds greatef: Favorites and dearefl minions, have one! asiaicamiucun_groflarid grafpt a Bedlam A counterfeit of it. Ybut bi mini ccurre ho_ ter, faith S.alor3azz, le 'itmad. IPaidof d2atghi ra s occurrere For the truth is bats ¡ucunaitas, unregenerateman , gr wicked or ymakmfoletha to refl ce, laugh, eialcnfo et ha J Y or be merry. I will make .it inpra:,diis, in word, even to the fcorner. Su, planvi in a oribuas In ho- and condemned pPofe. a great man conviìed avariti Rculi. d for Treafon, going towards the Eatouuntur enïn, execution a mile off: and let there a Table allalong place of I uad*rn tia piflied with variety of dainties let him tread upon be fur, komine iuGaï= tans : fed non eft and Roles, clothofArras, clothof Gold, or what your Violets elicit Dominus. all the way let him be attended on both fides with d, , i ascaimiucuna exquifitemuficke andhonourable entertainments: Doeyou diutt9uzdam, thinke all this. would -make him- laugh heartily, carrying quam nec oculus wiair,necauris this inhas heart, that hemuff lofe his head at-the miles end? auaivit, n« in homitais 2C- not. As farre lefle truecaufe haft thou to langh,who.. esaditz.4%0, foever thouart, that walked on impenitently in any wicked courfe; or lief} delightfully inany beloved Gnne; as a tempo® rail death is leffe thanendleffe torments. For he isbut going to lofe his head; but thou as an already condemned man alto, art polling towards hell. He tbat beleevetb not, faith /elm, it condemned already, Iob.3. z8. Ifwee perufe puntiu_ a11y'thehappiefl eflate ofthemoll gloriousworldling,andall hiswayes ; we fhaIl linde nomatter at all for true joy, either tobreed in orfeed upon. Let us walkeinto his fooles Para.. dife, and furveyall the fading flowers of his imaginary fell. cities. It may be wee fhalllnde wealth, power, pleafures, honours, pompe, and .magnificence of flate;perhaps an Im- periallCtowne, the topofall earthly happineffe. And what ofall thefe ? Alas ! Gold and Pearie, as one (ayes, arebut fhi. sling duff, or excrements of the earth : Power is but a flafh oflightning, thatfeares or flrikes another;'and forthwith it ifelfe is fuddenly extin&: Pleafure,is but abaite, andyet pa` fethaway in theaft, as the taleofa pleafintdrinke deeth in the draught ;Honcuar, is buta breath, andyet binds a man hl