Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. 3Gr in guilded fetters, and blastshis fpirits with tarre more care and feare than when hee wasmofl meane : Even as highe& boughes are moil (baken by the windes, and thepoints of. (feeplesbeaten moll with formesandlightning. All world. ly fplendorand pompe, is buta a fmoake, which vanitheth awénhebee as it rifeth, and drams teares from theeyes. Even aRegall ñ 6eTMá `rC Diademe,in the feule andcenfure ofan Heathenifh King, is guianuuius¿ attendedwith fuchaweighty,irkefome,andpainefulicharge. á «;truk that, faith bee, the weight ofaScepter, fhoulá D.1, lib.%. ey, bee finde it lying upon the ground, . beewould not deigns teta4 it '74"'á i r i. up. andwhat ishimfelfe, the owner and Lordof all thefe? A littlewalkingearth, a coloured pieceofclay, a warme piece ofdirt,averybagofcholer, fleame,andotherfilth to day a man, tomorrow none: his breath is in hisnoffxils;(top but hisnote, and he isdead. And what is his abodeamongtt thefe painted vanities and thingsof naught ? For fudden paffageand change, it is like a Shepheards tent, a Weavers fhuttle, orawartet bubble ; likea hying Poaf, or a flying cloud :like afhipunder faile, or. an Eagle on herwings like a fading flower,or a falling leak ; like foame that is fcatte.. red, or duff that isdrivenwith the winde : like a vapour, a thought, a fmoake, awinde that patl'ethand commeth not againe ;like a flying fhadow, yea, thevery dreams ofa/.a +rxr paw dow, as one (ayes, andthat amorningdreams, which iseven as foone ended asbegun.But let us lookeinto his infide,and the flare ofhis foule,and fee if we can there finde any more peace,comfort, or conflancie. No, there you (hallbehold a lively refemblanceofthevery reffleffe tumultuations of the raging fea;,the never-dyingWorme breeding andgrowing big in the froth of his filtylufts,and rottennef e ofhis rebel- lions heart In aword, his poore foule bleeding to eternal' death.Letus come untohisdeath;from the inevitable firoake whereof,all the Gold and Pearle ofEafl and Weft canno more redeeme him, than can a handfull of du-ft ; and there he$±all finddefpaire andhorrour,like twoeveningWolves, enragedwith hellifh hunger; ready totease hisfouleinpie- ces when there is none to help. And whatfollowes?Hernuf A a 4 lay