Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Epiflle Dedicatory. ever;yet being out oftheRate ofgrace,is a very limbe of Satan, a child ofdarkeneffe,and one ofthe family ofHell. Tire wrath and vengeance ofGod, all the fu- ry ofthe kingdomeof darkeneffe, the rage ofall the creatures (though he little thinke upon it) are every houre readyand addrefl to feize uponhim, as a tray- tor and rebel to thehighefi Majeffie, and todrag him dowse into the bottome ofHell. Whereas the Bateof true Chriftians, and Gods faithful' ones, is moft comfortable and glorious even in this life, in this valeofteares, and in thefe Tabernacles ofclay. For their comforts are not fading and earthly, fpringing outofthe finfull pleafures and tranficory glory of the world ; not faftned unto honours, greatneffe and poi. feffions; to the increafe ofCorne , and Wine, and Oyle:but they areofa right noble and heavenly tem- per, framed and ernplanted in the fantified foule by the Spirit ofall comfort ; and therefore everlafling and unconquerable, able to keepe a man inheart and refolution again(} the malice and cruelties ofall ad- verfaries; ofall creatures. They onely are truelyand foundly pertvaded by the fweet and fecret teftimony ofthe Spirit, and by the evidence and experience of their ovine holy life; that after the approaching, and much longed-for periodofa few and evil}dayes,they (hall raigne with God Almighty, theholy Angels & glorified Saints, in unutterableand endleffe pleafures for everand ever : and therefore eafily and refolutely (with much indignation and contempt) over-looke and throwour oftheir hearts all worldly thoughtful- neffe; al excefïive d.fires ofearth andearthly vanities; all reflleffe afpirations after tranfitory honors, the noble