36g Ger,erall direaion.r fir 4 lay downe his cold carka(fe among the foties of the pit, at 04herootes of the. rocker: his name, by reafonof Ms fomer pride,luxury,oppreffion,opF,of tion togoodncffe,',Tail rot as fan, and f+inkeasbad above ground, as his body in the grave. And laft[y, the onely forethought whereof fhouid make him tremble all thedayes cFhis life; his immortal' foule finkes irrecoverably by the weight offirrne, into thebottome oftheburningLake,when the t'aretorments withoutend, andpan irnaginatioa ; exceding not onely all patience, but all refinance; where there is no firength tofuftaine ; nor a- bility to beare; that which there, whileft God is God, for 2 sipot# tot millia ever mutt be borne. And when they have Beeneendured 3nnorana, quot 4 millions ofyeáres; yet aver noñeererend, than -when they capillos habne- began nor the foule neerer out, than when it came in. Tell mat °Tines, qui-. cunque fuel tint, me then, I pray you, in all this, is thereany roome for rejoy. Zt grunt, poems J. e finiri fperas oing? Is there anymattenfor true mirth ? No more than tent, multo le- tanean the white ofanegge,than ffi ength in a broken nf af wi its casfufine- of reed; than fweetnef e. in the apples of Sodhnie. Why sent : fed quia oe, non tea- then it is a flume for theweaken Chrifian that breathes but dent, nechabe. i )ens, dtfperati_ the fpirituall life, even ofholy delires ; not to be infinitely one deficient, & more merry than the molt glorious and magnificent world- ad tormenta non gufíîeient. s f. ling vpon earth. Shall a gracelef'e wretch; going towardsher, -".De fpiritu 6' a. towhomGod himfelfe hath proclaimed, There it n;, peace, vo;cap.56. p s, cap. 56. av no joy, gas the Septuagintd render it ; whu isa meereThiefe, -.¡rácr.c ¡en vawl Robber, and ufilrper,inrefpe& ofall the joyesuponwhich Y.úgc (Gy ó .5.5t. fay Sv, ar. bee intrudes'; and which way foever he calls hiseyes, if he Mali bonin fed weare not falle fpe&.acres, orbe blindfolded by the Devil?, efitre eheuntur can fee nothingbut the uglyface ofhorrour, and true caufe 1,ropriè. 'Non en of trem??1ing; Ifflee looke backward upon the time pall; gaudere impiis, aiicir Dominus bee may fee all the abominable lulls of his youth, all the ide tSiir. fìones of his former life, regiftred with an iron pen in the cap. se. boo keofhisconfcienc;,nd lurking there like fo many flee- ping Lyons; who upon thevery firff touch ofGods "vifìting hand, will awake,arife,and rennin preces. If lice looke up- onhisprefentllate,thorow the cleaveChriftalllofGodsrigh- teousLaw: He may fee Divine vengeance dogging him hard at the heeles, ready to firike' him`dôwne into hell; upon the