comfortable walking with Cid. 363 thenext riòt and rebellion againf+ his patientLord, That moll horrible fiery tempeftuous flortne, Var. i a..6, ready to fall upon his head,even when he is warmeft inhis wealth, and in thehotteft gleame of hisworldly profperïty: fid en deflruaion ready to feize upon him unavóideably, as travell a ?'her 5.3. upon a womanwith childe, hee is finging the fecurelt Requiemtohis foule offafetie and peace. If hee looke for- ward to futuretime, hee fees death, thegrave, Gods (trier Tribunall, the laft judgement, and endlefTemiferies ofthe other world,the iling,poy fon,and terrours ofwhich, he (hall never be able, either to avoideor abide, r fay, (hall filch a fellow fieeieinthe face ? And (hall not a true-hearted N'a- ibaneel, towhomIefusChrift bath bequeathed a legacy of rob peace ; whomthe Spirit of Gadbids rejoyce evermore ;and who,whichway foever helookes,ifhe open hiseye of faith, (hall feenothing, but matter offweeteft contemplation; in- finitecaufe of truell joy, and fpirituall ravi(hment Ifhe lookebackward upon the time, whileft heyet lay under the tyranny of the Devill, and dominionof the firft death; hee null fee the Catalogueof all his former finnes, (hould it be as bIacke as hell, as foule as Sodome, as red as fcarlet,faire lÿ, andfor ever wa(hedaway in that foantaine opened forfinite tech., 3. ao andsr uncleanneff , even theprecious blood of that imma- culate Lambe d>fus Cbriff, the Holy and the righteous : If bee looke upon his prefent (late, he (hail finde himfelfe pre- ftved as a Iewell moll fife in the precious Cabinet cfGods dearefl providence ; environed with aglorious guard of mighty Angels; kept by thepower of God through faith unto fslvation, ready tobe revealed in the laft time : if bee looke forward, bee (hall f ee death indeede; but the fling taken out c o , pro nobio motaen femel of it by the death of c Chriß-; the grave perfumed to his Vic;r,(etnpeévin- hand,by his Saviours bleffed Burial! : wherein bee may lye cit in nobis (,P. adh2artyer. downe as in a bedof Downe, fencedwith the omnipotent dQui trees cuus armeofGod, for the glory ofthe Refurrecion ; the Throne fu onus eft, ipfe is oilieAdvocams ofgrace inHeaven, fianding upon pillars of mercy and love; anus. ,tyg,nP¡at, ,where lefus Chrifl fits as It _dge, who (bed his hearts blood s a for hitn;andis his d Advocate,while he yet abides in this vale of: