Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

364 Generals direC. ions for. 4 ofteares; the bofome of Abraham, the armes of God AL. mighty wide open, and $retched out to receive him at the endof his Pilgrimage intohis Mafersjoy : I fay, (hall filch a happy foule not have an heaven in his heart, but be heavy- hearted? Shall a .vafíall of the Devil laugh, and an heire of Heaven lookeheavy ? Monftrous abfurditie ! 2. EveryChri(lian after his new creation, bath ever in- comparably morematter ofmirth than mourning; infinitely greater cattle tobe ravifhed with fpirituall joy, than to be de- ¡e&edby griefe. Though this may feeme aparadoxe to the cleareft eye, and bell apprehenfion of worldly wifedome. : yet in truth it isa true principle in the myfery ofChril. I doe thus manifeft it, and make it good to the faddelt moor tier inSion;ifhedoe notgive more care to thelyingmali- cious dictates of the DevILand dilirufis ofhis owneheart, then to the well-grounded coun fellofthe Prophets, and im pregnable truthofGodsbletfed Word. In the right eftimate andvaluation, all the affli&ions and fufferings of this life: whether offoule, body, outward Gate, or any way, are but duff in thebalance, in refpe& ofthat exceeding exceffive eter ara1 A, nail weight ofglory, purchafed and prepared for him by the a ." '2 bloodofhisdeareft Lord. In the a original it is, as a worthy warn, Pspa- Divine (ayes well, a fuperlative tranfeendent phrafe of cöf. , , . fpeech,whichfarce pafl"eth the height ofall humaneOratory,` 4 7 and all the Retorickeof the moft eloquent Heathens; be- caufe they never treated upon filch a Theame: theywere not infpired with filch a fpirit. Whereupon faith the Apofle in anotherplace, I reeky, that thefufferings of this prefint time, ltom, 8.13. are not worthy to be compared to the glory which,fball be revea. led inus.Whence it followeth,that a very fore-imagination of themolt unconceiveable happineffe to behad hereafter; towit, the fhining fplendour and fun-like glory of our bo- dies ; the unfpeakeable perfecions and excellencies ofour foules;the admirable beau tieof theplace; the glorious com- fort ofour heavenly company; The beatificall fruition of the molt bleffed Trinity, &c, ànd that which crownes oùrblifl"e with impoffibilitioof further additionáendlefnefre of