Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortd6le walking with Gad. 365 vfall thefe:Tfay? ferious preconceit hereof, illightened and ítengthenedbyfaith, is able to hold up the Christians h_are with infinite ftrength, and to refrefh it with a t crec unut, terable gladneff_°, even amidst varietie and extremity of all worldly troubles ; an i clothminií`ter asfarce inwe matter of rejoycing than théfeofmourning,as that forementionedex- s cor.¢. LT ceeding exccffve everlaRing weight ofgloy, is to beepreferred before a little momentany light alíi&clon. Hence it is, that the holyMartyrsof Iefus were fomerry,and fweetly content ted in the middeft of all their outward miferies, preffures, perfecutions, and Martyrdom,: it (elfe. Iwas inprifmz,faith b Laurence San- b oneof them, till Igot into pips. I' feele no m ire pain, faith de,a. e another, in thefire, than ifIwere in a,bedof Domne ; it is ar a salxarre: fweete to meearra bed ofRoles. I beleeve, faith a d third,tbere is a .441phua t Clariúachtua. not a merrier heart in the world atthis infiant than mine u C Fi&chs. Tò e OneobjeBeing to a fourth, (Thrifts agonyand fadnefi tohischeerefulnefie:Irda, filthhe, Cbri fl wasfadthat I might . be merry. Flee badmy fanner, and Ihave his merit and righteouf nefee, But fpeciallylet uslooke upon Paul, a bleat!and pre.4 cious pâtterne for us to imitate in this point. 'Pleuras trouts bled on every fide ; Without wereflgbtings, within were fiares; He was in firipes above meaple inprifon more frequent : in deathsoft : ©f the !ewesfive times received be forty fíripes fave 2 Cor. L L. s 3. one: Thrice was bee beaten with 'rode Once was he Anted": &e' Thrice be Vied d Shipwrack: A night and ei# wet bee in thedeepe : In journeying often, inperils of water, inperills of robbers, in peril! by bit owne countrymen, in perilsby the heathen; inperil/t{in the Ci'tie, in perils in the wildernee, in perils In the Sea, in perils among,_alfi brethren : In weartneff and paine- fdneff,inwatching: often : in hunger and shillI, in fallings o eoe s ten: in coldandnaledtzeip. Hewas called apefltlent fellow. He L cor.4.. 3 was accounted as the filth of the world, and off owrmg ofall 2cor. r2.L®. doings : And yetfor all this, he profeff th ofhimfelfe, that he famass DNA= I took pleaftere in infirmities 'in reproches,in neceffities, in Per commemoravtr afpeta & gracia, freuen tins&abana Intllsfu(tinebat; fed prore&3aderatei SpiritusSauaus,gniinexteriorishn- mints corntpzione interiorem renovaret, de die in diem; &pinata requie fpirttazlt, in aflfaenriâ deliciarumDei, infpe Emmabeatimdinissomniapta¢fcnttadc nttet,afpera4&graviaawniarele- watet,&C..Aut.De rïmeere.,ferar.48. felYltTattd'