366 Generall diretlïósss.fir a ficutions, in diffrefs for Chrijls fake. Nay, which is q a COL7.4, and more pun&call for my,purpof, he faith in another ""q?""'''' ° place, That he wasfilled with comfort, and exceeding joyful! in Abundo gaudio all his tribulation. Now every fincere-hearted Prr feor is fupra (parka dici bound to over- abound exceedingly in this joy, as well as pair. rdoesver aheud Paul. Not fo, faith the weake hriftian; for Paul 'had a, exceedinglyinjoy. C ftronger faun thanI, and moregrace. It is true, but yet thy faith is as trueas his And it isnot fo much the rnuchnefi"e,as thetruthoffaith,which gives rightand intereft toa Crowne oflife, comfort inall afEiiCtions, and everlaf}ing lightfome- nefïe, Therefore well Paid a worthy witneffè to the truth, Paul and Peterwere more honourable members of Chrq thazn 1; Fratpfca Yar- but lam a member : Theyhadmore flore of grace than I; but I tore. have my meafure; and therefore fore of glory. It is ftrange then, that any true- hearted .Nathaneel having fuch good ground of rejoycing ; finning in that heedoth not rejoyce; and joybeing fo fweete and welcome gueft to the heart of man; fhould weare out a few and wretched dayes in unne- ceflaryheavineffe, and finfull fadnefíe; whereby he highly difhonours Gods freelove; hinders others from the wayes of life; hurts full fore his owne foule, and onely gratifies Satan. 3,. It is a confiant marke of every regenerate man, to make copfcience ofall Gods Commandements, Pil. i r g. 6 Now theholy G I:oft Bothnot onely inmany feverall places give us charge torejoyce, but is very.earneff upon us in this point : Nay, doch fo often doubleand treble with extra- ordinary emphafis and elegant gradation, his entreatie and importunitie in the,fáme place.Letthe Saircts,.1it r.he,bejoy7 fall with glay, Pfd. í4g.5..Létalltb)é ¡hatfeel tjue, rejoyce andbeglid in thee, Pfal. 4o.16. Rjoyee in the Lord, O yerigh- teous, Pfal. 3, i . Rejoice evermore, r Thef 5. t 6. Rejryce in the Lordalavay, and againe I fay, R jo'ce. Phil.4.4..Lct all thofethat put t4i, trufl in thee, reioyce : letthetn everlbut fox joy, Pfalm,5.i I. Let the righteous be glad let them rejlce be- fore God, yea, let-them exceedinj, rej},ee,, p(alm. "68,, 3. 8e gladin the Lord, and re jlave righteou f andfhotrt for joy, all gee