Eomfvrtable walking with God. 369. tions ;which are wont to prefent thetnfelves to the appre henfion ofcarnall men with muchhorror ; evenin the very bitterneffe and extremity ofthem, ifthou cart the illightned eye ofthy foulle upon fach places and promilès as thefe, t Cor.io.z3.Heb.I3.5 i om.8ra8.Heb. 12. 6. z Cor.4.17. Eray 63.9and the43. z. and then refle.`t upon thy affli&ted felfe, aDuos úllos 6a thoumayti by the marvellousworke of' faith, draw a great bet h ámoIt deale ofjoy from them. Apatient fubmiflìonunto,and fruit- dimLttit.pat us full exercife underGodsvifìtinghand,is an unfallibledemon- fl us mal è, &c non corripitur : alter (ration that thou art a forme, and not a bahard. Is there mox mire move- then not more fweetneffe in thofe a afHialons, which are e- rie, colaphis cæ fl vident markes thouart inthe right way toHeaven then in vndditur, einaedimigellaturtt. i_ worldly pleáfures,which clearelyremonf'trate to thy confci- nitilhnicadi - ence, that thouart pofiing towardsHell ? Hence it was, that fohæreditas ter_ the Apofiles rejoyeed, eixtgbbeaten, that they were counted va""; 111e an_ terndimifti,s ex_ worthy tofiner jlaame for the Name of Iefus : that 'Paul and hæredams eft Sÿlas fang-inprifon at midnight: that Ignatius cryed ; Let habere fpem, & Fire, Racker, Pullies, yea, all the torments of Hellcome on mee dimittit cram ut fò 'mayWinne Chriff. 4. Nay, even contumelies and con- ug.iu P 91i; tempt; reproaches and fcorne from theworld for thy pro- biS, crbu , feffion,which naturallymuch nettles anoblefpirit,do crowne nium áentur thyhead, and {houid fill thy heart with abundance of glory, trifti[ftma,gaudit`s pariunt;quid nos bleffednes and joy. If ye be reproached for the Name of aliorfi malonos C'hriff, happy are y, faith Peter a for the Spirit of Glory and moaflo? of God refteth upon you, I Pet. 4. i 4. Ble èd are ye, faith su epif ed ray p Chrift himfelfe, when men frail revileyou, andperficute you, ñm.ßtæeli,Q_ and fball fay all manner of eviil againffyou falfelyformy fake_. ftoli ibant ban, re yce, and be exceedingglad, Mat. j I. ra. SCUrTilitie8 á ld dentesàconfpe- auConcilii :qao. ,Icofes,all fpitefull fpeeches,odiousnick-names,lying impu- clam aibnil:abiti Cations call upon thee in this kinde,by tongues whichcut like font pro norme p lets çontumeli- C' a"bile rair,are in their due eiiimate,andtrae account,as am pati.Nullas locus rum. fó many honorablebadges (Let no cowardly Chriflian then ergo rots eft debet decline themwithwoundingofhis confcience)of chyCirri- obi tantalætitia fitanmagnanimitie, and refolute franding on the Lords fide. fudcaedit..A,,gu, eronfifli. v,tian and attheThroneofCbriff will becertainely reputed as crla. ¢t. virt .r. s z. Tarretfi flagella: non gaudii fintocc.fianes, fad trif}itiæ&marorls: nihilomniAs flagella propter Deum,. & cauts proetequam fl.lgellabant;tr, gaudium cisparicbaat. Claryfofi,Hom. z 3,in Gen.. c Pfzl.5 z..s. ra4ers