Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

37o Generall direttions for a ra&ersoffpeciall honour, and remembrancers of thy wor. thy fervice, whereby thou fhalt appeare more acceptableand amiable in the eyes ofAlmighty God, and all that glorious triumphant Churchabove. 5. If thou rightly temper, and well weigheven the forefiforrow, andthe verybleeding of thy heartfor finne; it fhould be fo farre from damping the lightfomneffeofthy fpirir, that it ought toopenunto theea well-fpring ofpurefl joy. For the penitent meltingof our affeaions,and kindely_mourning over Him, whom we have pierced with ourfinnes, argues infallibly, and fweetly of lures the prefent and fanEtifying power of the holy Spirit. And what greater comfort, or fweete delight, than that which arifeth froma well grounded evidence,that theFóun- taineofall comfort dwels inour fouler? Such reams as burst out ofa heart oppreft withgriefe for finne,are likean Aprili ihowre, which though;it weta little, yet it begets a great dealeof fweeteneffe in the herbes, flowers, andfruits ofthe earth.Aseven in laughing the heart of thewicked is forrow- full: fo contrarily, even in fuch mourning, the heart of the true penitent islightfomeandcomforcable.For habitual]ljoy may not onelyconfift with aEtuall forrow,:and contrarily r bucalfoeven aEtuall, joywith aEtuall farrow. This is no ftrange thing in othercafes ;whenwee fee a good man per- fecuted for a good caufe, (land to it nobly; wee grieve for his troubles,but rejoycein his refolurion&undauntednefre. *Non eit hoc As weought then togrieve bitterly for our limes ; fo let us udcontrarinati 1r uan arejoyce immeafurably for fuch ingenuous grieving. >Let us rltium. Etenim ex illo lament heartily over him,whomwe have wounded with our ]u&u na(cirur a abominablelofts but let usalfo be infinitely ladat the ve- quognehoc gad ÿ g drum. ant nam. ry heart roote ; that they are all pardoned by the powring- aiue fua , pf,us malaluget, & out ofhis blood. Not the molt exquifire quinteffence and eonñ:etur,gaude9 extra&ion ofall manner ofMulicke ; Sets, or Conforcs ; vo. call or inftrumentall can o(îìbl convey fo delicious a , p Y Y fns Kaz, 4'H touchand rellifh to the outward.eare of a man; as a ccrtifl Cad P{;Hi79 care brought from theThrone ofmercy by the blefí°edSpirit i4. Semper doleat peenitene,&de doloregaudear. ,.114gNf}.rn veto E'i^ f4 ¡pi pa t, ea 13. Beats, qui fit Iuocti,, guiaridcbifu in lachrym* , Sca1:Tarad.rap.5,