comfortable w 'king with God. foaled with Chrifts blood, to the bruifed heart and grieved fouleofan humble finner, in theverydepth of his forrow. `6.Ifthoube troubled with temptations, and exercifed even withvarietieofthem, heare the holyGhoft :aCount itall 'oj when yee fall into divert temptations. To let other particulars attr"aan 1rtJtr paffe. From the very fouleft andmofi griefly fuggeftions of :1,reata. ;t,t, Satan; 'b thoumayft colle& thiscommon glorious comfort : ToM i, K. That thou art none of his. For as heels wont to keepe un- bc.`aco tatÇ. convertedmenin asmerrya moode,and faireacalrne ofout- nata,homnda. wardcontentment, and inward fecuritie, ashe can poffibly ; rofra,turpis, ne. retiring andrefervingbis molt fiery darts andhideous temp. Fad* nd cations, until' hehavethem at forcedead lift, andunavoida- t, ,,ac ble ftrait : fo all that are broke out ofhishellifh prifon, by vota o to thehelpeofthe holyGhoft,he ordinarily purfaeswith dead- o; m : C ly rage, andall the powers ofdarkeneffe. He hunts them in totem a 1 de- his ficteft feafons like a Partridge in the Mountaines, with teliáum etiatu me troubles without, and terrours within. The leffepeace thou tali: cogit,nügo haft therefore fromhim, the more pleafore mayft thou take blafphcini inthineefcape out ofhisclutches. The more reftlefíely bee Deiktonorcm,aae followes theewith the furyand varietieof his temptations ; contra fide .scs the more fweetely and-fecurely, ifthou wilt give way to the fapertincndt as counfell ofthe Prophets, and theworkeoffaith ; mayftthou De ope%ci. repofe thywearied foule upon thecomfortable affurance ofV fe at,t,, being certaiwelyGods. era sate jump. .uu.(Zidampx- 5. Every one that bathpart inChrifts death, isbound in Cant fe elfeder« confcience, and bidden by the bleffedSpirit to leadea molt tos a Deo, qua a6 it non doteis quid merry life,even tokeepe a Feaff; c a fpirituall Holy-day, beu,,túñtaröá` were fromall fervile terrours, flavifh fadneffe, uncomforta- bss,gio t otiù ble deje&tions offpirit : For even (brill. our Pa f over ispert-diuini amonos ficedfor us, therefore let to lZeepe theFeaf#, i Cor.5, 7. tationuin fgnsu clt, quòd aliquic de manibus damonum evaferit.Dumaliquis eft in carcere,unleuattuber ct odem,vel duos t fvero evaferir, omnes turn infequunrur. Sic Juraaiquts raptu eft à Diabolo,non tantum eum damonea perfegatumnr, quantumgum evafetir.Illospoi fare negligct, quos jure quietopoifaete fe fend r. Gregor. Cam ttuore siebes el e,quando tibi lx u deft. neclueto ad hoc parare,quafr numquam teem teris.Si enirn nunquam rentaris nunquamptobarir Nenne melius eá rentari, be probari, q KOSII tenm'umrarroban?,Auguff. ¡IITfat.ta4. e'&vpn'up. v. Fpulationis ergo prvfenstempos di'e. Namcam dixilier, fi ulemur, non quòd Patcht cffct, nonquòd t'entecofe, idctrco eputandum tsllexerit ;fed quòd omne tempos exultationistempos eatCbeittianis, prc?ter collatorum bent 5ciortun orcellenriam. Coryfoft. ss cap. s. adcB The ------_- 37t