Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Epiflle Dedicatory. noble miferies of this wretched life. They alonehave faftned the eye of their minds,illightened from above with laving faith, upon theunvaluable precioufncf e, and laflingbeauty of their immortali crownes in hea- ven; and therefore all the glittering and golden re- prefentations, withwhich the flatteringworld hath formerlydeceived and dazeled theireies, apeare to be nothingbutdarkeneflè and defolations.Their glo- ry (indeed) here upon earthdoch not confit inout- ward pompe and Bate; it dochnot Thine to carnali eyes,it isundifcernable to the fharpeft fight ofworld- ly wifedomeand policie : but inwardly and with fpi- rituall fairenes,their divinegraces make them fo true- ly honorableand loveiy,thac fomewhere inScripture they are called the glory ofGod, and are as deare unto him as the precious ball and appleofhis ownceye. They are in fo high efteeme and account withAn- gels, thatthole excellent creatures withmuch joy & alacritie become their Guardians, and ferviceableun- to themwith extraordinary care and tendance. All thecreatures groane, anddelire to bee delivered into theirglorious liberties and in the meane time,with a fecret and infenfible reverence, they adore the facred character ofdivinity that is ffarupt up6 them.All the Saints acknowledge them to beemoreexcellent then their neighbors,ofthe houfe-holdofGod,and heires ofheaven.Nay,thewicked themfelves, many times, are confounded, and (land amazed at the height of fpirit and refolution that pofleffeth their hearts; and at the lober and undaunted majeftie that (hines in their faces. This, and a thoufand times more then this, is the blisfull flare ofGods childreneven in this life.