372 Generall direItions for a The fweetneffe and excellency ofthisFeall, is notably fet out and amplifiedby, i. The beautiful) garments weeput on and weare when we areadmitted unto it: 2. Thematter,and magnificent provifion : 3. The muficke :4. The franke and pompe andprnelineffe andplenty . 5. Theextraordinary z. For the fire, meditate joyfully upon that rich attires and thofe lloyall attributes,glorifying andcrowning Ghrifls bleffed Spoufe, with molt admirable and..ravifhing beauty, Cant .6.i o. TYbo Ñ jbee that loo4eth firth as the morning, faire as the Moone, pore of the Satnne, terrible as an army with utvel.t a, s. Banners . Andknow, that all theefl'entiall glory andfaire- aeffe which is tobe found in the whole Church, theWoman clothedwith the Snare ; as that of ¡unification and fanûifica- tion, &c. belongs toevery member thereof, to every faith- fullChrifian. As the morning.] r. Themorning fprings out of the grea- teil darkeneffe;the night is mofl darke,as they fay,a littlebe- fore day : the illuminated foule arifes cut ofthe moil darke- fome and damned grave of ignorance and finne. 2. The ss ® _, ft , :;,,beauty ofthe morning isprincipally feene in her*ruddineffe: vPó Poetscan om, Thefoule that is newly delivered out ofthe horrour ofEgyp.. r a.r; tiandarkeneffe, and hands of the hellifh(pharoah,is all ruddy Psgvtsl praornins with palling thorow the redSeaofChrifls blood ; that is the ground upon whichall its beauty and ;bleflëdneffe is built. 3. The gloryof the morning after its fire peeping in the Eaff, fpreads fairer and fairer in all beauty and brightneffe, tuntill themid -day, and fullilluftration ofthe World: Grace in the foule, after the fill plantation, growes ftronger and ftronger, fhines fairer and fairer, until) it let in the bottom- leae Ocean ofendleffe Glory, SeePrvv,4.,g, Faire as the MMMloone ] r TheMoone receives all her light and Infire from the Swine :all thegraces,holineffe,inherent righteoufneffe, fhining in a fan&ified foule, are the image and impreflions of the Sunne ofrighteoufneffe. 2. The Moone !lath fonte (pots in her face ; but yetis a very beau- tifull crear_ure by her borrowed light.' The Chriflian is f1ewhat blacke with the remnants oforiginall corrupti- on,