Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. on, and by reafon of his unavoideable frailties and imper- fettions ; but yet comely as the curtairces of Salomon, by the glory of his new-creation and gracious beames that thine uponhis foule from the face of Chrifi. 3. The further the Moone is removed from the Sunne ;the fairer the is, and fuller of light : The gorean humble foule, upon fight of that HolyMajeftie and pureft eye, tenne thoufand times brighter than the Sunne, which cannotlocke on iniquitie; Both retire with lowlieft thoughts into himfelfe,to abhorre himfelfe in duff and athes, as moft vile, and faireworthier to be throwne into the loweft dungeon of the kingdome of antd nKaqux- darkeneffe, than to behonoured with the love and light ofque anima fie hiscountenance is more a beautifull and amiable in theeyes pretiofor ante oculos Del, of God. quancò pia a- more verctana Pure as the Stone] TheMoone thadowes our inherent derpeâior fuerit faireneffe ; the Sunne refembles and reprefents our imputedMI) nos lit puritie : Sothat this Royall Robe, the Sonneof righteouf- unes a ®p neffe, theunfpotted Juítice of Iefus Chritt, Both glorifie the foule : j. With an entire unftained beautie : our inhe- rent holineffe hath force fpots and Raines of imperfeétion like theMoone : but that imputed for our justification, is muchmore fpotleffe andorientthan the Sunne. 2. Univer- fally ; We arewafted, as it were, from top to toe in the blood ofChritt, and covered wholly with hisperfeét righ- teoufnefe. 3. Conftantly : The exercife offpirituall gra- hóbens cede cesand fenteofinward comfort, may fometimes abbe and tiam f®mirus tri- wane for atime;but the Robe ofChriftsRoyall Juftice once haft æálmárnuaui put onby thehand ofFaith,is fuie and the fame forever. tanrihorcaúo_ Terrible asan armywithT,anners. ] Befides this rich and ne ducíscertain royall attire ; all this abundance of fpirituall faireneflfe and prærume vißo rcam..Hae calla beauty ; wee are to put on alto, left ellith Harpye:, that I tu omnlainllrn. may fo fpeake, fnatch awayour delicious and divine lain-fec `ep°ocedas ties,that glitteringArmour,thicke let withheavenly Pearles, aapræliumfpi_ rituale,nec pa- defcribed,Epbef. G. The glorious fplendour whereof is a- ble to dazle thedevils eyes, todaunt his courage, and b drive cuo totoi e tercicn himoutof thefield. Forbee well knowes it to be tried,and ßu8 -p=.142. ofproofe,worne byour Captaine Chri f Iefus,who foild him .,la laemetria. by thefiord ofthe Spirit, in the great combat in the Wil- adj,. B b 2 dernefiea 373