Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

374 Genera11 direaten3 for a *Rent.; derneffe,kbtrb.4. And is is char b lDorj,fraa. ,,,;_ flians (half fborrl }', by the blelhn. fo theGodoPeace* Chtî4 tdr,ghr.f the satanunder their fee, g brute ßarrs,cxbuot 'r ° s' The fumme is ; theheavenly attire ofa fanf}¡d foule,is ..1ßnC"ß°"n' P. t. farre fairerand more amiable than the exquisite concurrence -s; vt m nut. ofalI earthly beauties andvifble *glory. Were thelightof Aunnemcrum Po-all the ftarres above collef}ed into Sunnes (which awnur;aur gene- ru utMercnrii mers fay wouldmake man and added unto thatgreat bright fy era; arecom- Body, y) tidies y Prince ofall the lampes in heaven; nay, ifbefìdes, a°.em, gaas°b- there were an accellion ofall the orient fplendour.-of all the fouas,ant quinq; Pearlesand Iewels ofall theCryfial,and glittering things in 'pas micas aps , rxuaay.etaebur this lower world ; and all compacted intoone beautiful) bo- iZofu,nullo edam dy, it would be butas a Inn a of darke `O barn- P neffe, to the glorie mrt;nôsitat ali. and fairenefle ofa fan&ifed foule.For the beautie andam;. «t, gas: re: or- ableneffe oían holy foule, inflames theheart and affeEtions aim fast sir- oftheSonne ofGod, with an extraordinary tuall fervent love, Cant. 4. 9. whereas. not lphe gloryiof the world, though reprefented toMs eyes with the .faired Litre, and in the mollrefined forme, could rovehim evera whit, Matrb4S,9,t o. Plarowas wont to fay,ifmortall ver- sues could be feene with°the - outward; eye; theywould (time up in the heartextraordinary flames ofadmiration and love what unfpeakeable ravifhments then would Chriftian gra- tesenkindle theyvifible to the carnali eyes ? They would be able tomake Perfecutors, Profeffours; to turne evenDrunkards into Puritans, as they call them; themoft fenfuall Epicure, into a mortified Saint. For the fecond:Let thy fpirituall appetite feedmerrilyup- en that fweeteft place, 49 ,25.6. And inthis mountaineß aJJ the Lord of oft,, cf.. Here is provided, as wee may fee, a magnificent andglorious full, compofed ofall marrow and fatneflé, ofmoft refined and purified wines; which thadow untous, fpirituall delicacies, thofe golden dainties, dig'd outof the richmyne ofchemyfieryofChriû,by thehand of Faith, in the Word, Sacraments, Prayer, Communion of Saints,folemne hurnüations ,fweetSoliloquies,folitary con- ferences with our God, feeling forethought ofinfinite joyes shorow eternity,&c. Every circuuiáance breathes out no- sliingbut fweetneQ ,