comfortable walking with God. 375 In Ibis mountable.] It is dreffed in Mount Zion, Theper- feúion of beauty, The joy of the whole earth, The glory ofall ,Lands ; which reprefents unto us, by way of tbadow and type, theoverflowing glory ofthe Chriflian Church; the very Heaven ofall humane focieties ; our onelySunne in this inferiorworld; which though fomuchmaligned, yet were itremoved, there wouldbe alittle hell uponearth; andno. thing leftbat a dartre Midnight ofvillany andhonour, for incarnate Devillstodomineere in. A feafiof fat things, a flail of wines on the leer; offat thingsfull of marrow, ofwine on the lees well refined.] Here- byis intimatedthe matteroftheFeathandRoyall provifion, amplified withextraordinary EmphaJis of words, elegancy ofphrafe, and iterationof the fame fink, with varietie of expreflìon;which altoargues its excellency.Ic isnot enough to have faid, offatthings, but there isadded, of fat things full ofmarrow, and fo proportionablyofthewines; to inti- mate themolt exquiftte refined flower ofall delicacies and dainties.Themarrowofthe fatnetie;as ifa man thould fay, the fpirit ofthe quintetfence, the Diamond ofthe Ring,the fparkle ofthe Diamond, &c. And yet all this comes infinite- ly {host ofwhat the holyGhofl would fhadow and thewunto usby themolt fumptuous materials of earthly Feafts. But above all, thatwhichmakes theFeat' molt matchleffe, is the Feaft-maker ; lehovab, is thefounder and furnither ofit: The Tilted maker ofheaven andofearth,makes it. The Poetsdefcribing un, men ofmolt ambitious appetitesafter choifeftdainties,fay,xi i° b{tLso that theyrob all the Elements, to pleafe their palates. The bas. Maier ofthe Feaft, the ever-bleffed lehovab, tells usofhis flore and treafuries this way, Pfat. 50. io. rr. Every beafi of the Forrefï it mine, and the cattell upon a thoufandhills , I brow allthe fowler ofthe mountaines, and the wilde heapofthefield ,aremine. But all thefe beingbut onely matter ofcorporali food,are yet nothingto the fpirituall fweetneffeofthishea- venly Banquet. The fecret and facred delight of thofe di^ vinedainties intended hereby the holy Ghoft,being unfpeake- able andglorious, Both infinitely trankendthepoffibilityof all creatures tocontribute, andthe capacityofthe largeftna- B b torah