3,7 1tevel.i.i. xittßc7è. Generall.direatens for a tuall undemanding to conceive. So matt beconíirued, as a worthy Divine fifes truely, that tat Text, i Gor.2. Not ofthe joyes of heaven, which here the f irituallman, himfetfi cannot tell what ntheyefhall be ; but of the.. Grjpels joy, of the Wine and Fadi g: y prepared, and now revealed to the Beleever by the Spirit. For the third,. &are.the voyce of fweetneffe and peace, Efay. 27.2.Singunto her : dVineyard ofredWine. Sin nothingbut joy, lightfomeneffe, and mirth : Vn hr] the fete ofmore amiablenelfe,tenderneffe,and love.4Vineyard] Vineyards, Orchards,Gardens,and filch inclofed Plots, are ás it were, the flowers, tarres, and Paradifes of the earth. OfWinejas though theVine-trees ofthis Inclofurebrought not forth the groffer and uncrufhed Grapes; but more im- mediatly, the refined and pure blood of the Grape. Red] The moll. generous fparkling delicious Wine. A Vineyard is, as it were, the Diamond ofthe Ring red,the fplendour ofthe fparkle:all ex g ;wine, lencies,weetneffes, tranfcendencies ; whereGod opens and expreffes his heart and love to hisChurch, oranyof his Chofen. Forthe fourth. Let thy faith penile withenlarged jtledi_ Cations, thole precious paffages.of gracious invitation and bountifull entertainment, Mat.22.3.4. Elsa) 51. 1.2. Prov. Cant.2.3, 4. Thos fhakplebe and be fatisfied even with the brefisofeonfolatians. ;Thy dearef{ andmoll. glorious Mo- ther, which is clothed with the Sunne, treads upon the Moone, and.weares on herhead,a Crowneoftwelve Starres. fnallfweetly and tenderlybeare thee upon her fides, and dandle thee upon ber kuer, Ef.66. zr,i 2. For the fifth. It is compared toa wedding Feaft, and that ofaKings forme; which is wont to behonoured and crow- ned withheightandvariety ofaltmagnifieence andMajeftie; joy and triumph, mirth, and muficke. When an humbled foule is6thmade file to the Sonneof God; the joyful] har- monyof all good hearts thatkleare ofit, and the triumphant Hallelujahs ofthe bleffedAngels-in heaven, concurre incon- fort, as it were, ofcongratulation, for fo happy a match ; in gJadneffe and toy for fo holya change. This Ertl begins at