comfortable walking pith God. ,37? thy firft betrothing;when thou receiving aRing, as itwere, befet with five precious {tones : I . Righteoufnefíe.a. Judge-nor. 3.11,ze, ment, 3. Loving kindeneffe. 4. Mercies. 5. Faithfulnefl-e. It is afterward continued with many gracious paffages of love and fweetefi entertainements on both fides, even in thislife ; as . appeares in Solomon Spirituali Love-fong. It {hall at lati be crowned with an everlafting Iubilee, and pleafures, moe than the Starres of the firmament in num- ber: when the Lambe receives his wife intohis neereft and dearea embracements ;even into full poffe{l'ion of the mofi blared, never-endingKingdome of heaven ; bought for her fulldeerely, with hisowne hearts blood. Then, our Feaft ofgrace ends in theendlefíe fruition of Glory. Howmer- ry thenought wee to bee in the meane time, who are ad- mitted and enrighted to this gracious and glorious Feaft? Ofexpreffing which to the life,the fineft fare and moft ex- quifite delicates of all earthly feafis, come as farre fhort, as the dull earth comes thort ofthe glittering heaven; a grofí'e mortali bodyofthe precioufneffeofan everlafting foule : Ara inchoftime, ofthelengthof eternitie. For corporali dain- ties fat a fraile body fora fpan oftime,withearthly footle, accompanied with a littlepoorevanithing delight of fenfe But fpirituallfoode fills an immortali foule withheavenly Manna ,. outof the myfieryof Ghritt, attended with pureft joy, and fincereft pleafures through all eternities 6. As thou doti honour Godsjuttice, intrembling at his threats,and throwing thy felfinto the duít,asextremely vile, and fuell of hell under hismighty hand, and the piercing Majeftieofhis pure Word; reprefenting cleerely unto thy confcience, andpretl'ingterribly upon it, thehainoufnefíeof all thy lulls, iniquities,abominable provocationsof theeyes ofhis glory and divine indignation flaming againfi them; fo when thou findesi and feeleft thy heart truely wounded by the fwordoftheSpirit, with remorfe and forrow for thy tunes, wearywith the heavee weight andburthen ofthem, pofiefhed with fincerehatred andlathing ofevery evillway thou oughteft, and art bound in confcience, and, by the zommandement of the Hoy Gho, to glorifieGodsTruth