37 General] direCtrons for a in his promifes ofMercy, by throwing thy felfe into the bleffed armes, and bleeding etnbracements ofthe Lard Iefsr dying upon theCroff,;in whom they areall, yea and Amen, withmuch affurance and peace ; with unípeakeable and glo riousjoy. And the rather, becaufe the fpeeiall feafon and onely opportunitie of thy magnifying and honouring the fweete influence ofGods deareft mercies, tender-hearted nefí'e, and truthuponhumble foules, through theprecious promifes of life, is in this life In the world tocome they {hallall be accomphfhed upon thee to the utmoft, and crow. nedwith acleere vifìonand full fruition ofthatever- blefred and moil glorious Majeflie. Then faith for everexpires ; and we feeface to face. Thefe things being fo, andmoil lure ;let every true-hear. tedNarhaneei be heartily intreated, nay, 'Wily charged in the name oflefusChrift, by the bleffed Spirit, the fountaine ofall comfort ; ashe will anfwer itat the glorious Throne ofMercy, ere&ed in Heaven upon purpok to make him everlaftingly merry, that hee henceforth molt refolutely and for ever cat}out ofhis confcience, fprinkled with the Blood of the Lambe, and out ofthe Kingdorne ofChriff,o- verflowing with Peace and Joy now comfortably eftabli- flied inhis foule, thofe intruding ufurping Tyrants ; onely natural] Lords over natural' men m I meane, horrours of ;uiltineffe, falfe feares, Ilavifh terrours, damps and drooá pings ; all uncomfortable penfìveneffè, deje&ions,and feare. Andleaving fuch Harpies as rhefe, and heart-eaters, onely to the grumbling and gullfyconfciences ofall thofe that Irate tobereformed, and Satans (laves, as their proper furies; let himwithanholy violence againfi the devils cruell affaults and contradi&ions ofhis owne difirufifull heart, and with achecrefull fpirit, lay hold upon hisjuft inheritance, and e. verlafting portion, purchafed for him by the bitter and painefull fufferings ofthe Sonneof God ; even floods and frefh fuccefíions offweetefi joyes, fliedand Ihowred downe continually from the Throne ofGrace upon his upright heart, in great abundance; ifhee will but onely vouch- eÌ toopun the doore by the hand of faith, that the blef fect