Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. 379. fed beames of fuch lightfomnefffe, and1có h sr , iningl from the face ofChrit}, may come in. fairely areiedwith gsbrightnyeff ofMoone, nd gloryaof ty of the morning, g the Sunne are but a thadow; and Wining. Joy, eetly to that melodious Song, compofed all ofPeace and Pleafures, and Pardon of fine; which the mercy of God makes in the eareofits faith ; fall to, and fill it felfe at the Wedding rivers F'eatt of the Kings Sonne, with tlí Q°ioméfíéf dépLhl of Gods offpirituallrefrething, by the minis Y free love revealed in the my{}ery of Cliri , fiery of the Word and Sacramental) grace; as with mar- row and feb eats ofeverlattinga onfolatiions.A.nd Pith he ed with thebrea[l is incorporated into Iefus Chriti, andupon all affayes bath the wings of faith in a readine(i'e, tooutfoare the height a chri{}iann& of all humane miferies : Let $' him for ever (}and like irtsdc- Mount Zion, inexpugnable, andunthakenwith themall fu- Po porter, omnia ' rims ineur6ons of the floods and tempefsof all worldly portetsefer,t humanorumma- troubles, preffures,and perfecutions.Set all thole mon rou & demt stator fc and moflabhorred inje&ions, filthy temptations, and fiery lorumimpetufu- at. Supra param m ice- darts, pointed with thevery maliceof hell, ordinarily o red to the imagination of the bell, bere upon theTempters hs :props ert by she (Meldoffaith, and retorted as dungy, undarum ire b& mexpugnabilis i face. Let all ungodly oppofitions from manor devil!, or . fearefull ditlruft be but as fo manyproud and (welling waves, ationamná$; ocke which the mare t3oyle- elevatte fuerint (lathing againflamighty. R , the morearethey broken,and tur- non illius p des ' roufly they beateup onit ' froth. hie Omni tali in- nedintoavaineFaame and aTCi- curfufublimior Buttodefcend with thee more punEtualgly to form: p fi Çub i C : Tell at isit thou that which troubles thee? what is it that adp.P..,cn!i.uv. Cbrif#intrut , "'7'`s' ítill detàinés thy heavenly lackeslir up the long frotethe en- trance and'fadneffe ; &encouragement offpiritualllightfomneffe by and m? And if 1 benot able to confront andconfound it, Oracle ftt truth 1f'be not able to ä fove Antidote, ir sobe a felfe- created Cc r of ,a ,