3 8o Generad direilions f r a Matth, s. created crofn; and to diffolve is into an imaginary and groundlefíe fancie,by the light ofthe Word; thenwalke hea. oily f{ilI. Onely beleeve the Prophets, and thou (halt pro- fper. Thoumutt thenbe contented tobe counfelled by the faichfull Phyfitionsof thy foule; who can Phew unto man hit uprightneffe, and are infrrw.fJed unto the Kingdoms ofbea.. ven ; efpecialIy fetchingall theirprefcriptions, receits, and counter-poyfons, out of the richTreafïwrie of the Booke ofLife : Thoumuff learns; x« To put a difference betweene nullity of grace, and imperfeetion of grace. Many good foules defire fincerely that theirhearts were broken in pieces, and bledat the root, for their many and hainous finites; grieving much, that theycan grieve no more : They hunger andchid{ forChrfes righteoufneffe, more than for the wealth of the whole world : They groane mightily in fpirit for Gods favour, pardon of finne, power over their corruptions, ability to praybetter, &c. But yet becaufe they feele not that mea- fure offenfible fmarc and angui(hofheart in lamenting their former life,as theydefire;becaufe theyhave not their willed joy and peace in beleeving ; bccau.fe they cannot now pray as fervently and feelingly as they, perhaps, were formerly wont; not with that freedome and heartineflè as they would: Inaword, becaufe theyareyet but fmoakingfjame, andbruited reeds not full (hïning lanpes, and firong Pillars in theHoufe of God; theywill needs have all ro benaught. Whereby they (rwill not belie the Spirit) but mote un- worthily deny, and in their conceits nullifie his already wonderfull glorious worke upon their foules ; to their, I know not howgreat fpirituall hurt andhinderance.For fuch intolerable unthankefulneffe may he juflly puni(hed, and paide home with longer detainement, upon the Racke of dif{ruflfull flavi(h feare, and under the bondage ofLegali errours. It is a fpectall point thenof fpirituail wifedome, and offingular confequence for the foules quiet and wel= fare ; todifcerne weakenef e ofgrace from want ofgrace. Chrifl Iefissdeclaring in hisheavenlySermonwho are blef: fed