comfortable walking with God. 381 fed, d t° h op t inftanee in the perfe°cions, excellencies, and heights ofChtifti pity ; though all that aretrue ofheart,fin- cerely prayfor, andpreffe after them : but in the Ieaft and loweftdegrees ; left the frra Zing .flaxe (hould be quenched,: and brtuifed reeder bee broken. flee doth not fay ; Bleffed are the ftrong in Faith ; the full affured : Bleffed are thofe that take on for their finnes, as for their onely fonne, and for their firft borne : but, Bleffed ace they which clue hunger and :hill after righteou fne fe : Bleffed are the poore in fpirit, tic. 2. Not alwayes tomake fenfe and feeling the Touch- tone for the truth ofthy fpirituall fiate.Aman in a fwo one or afleepe feelesnot his life, andyet is a living man.It isone thing to havegrace, another to feele grace. One thing the life offaith, another the lifeof fenfe. 3. Not todifgrace thy ownegraces, by calling thine eye toodejeftedly uponother Chriftians perfeEtions and prece- dencies. Let it not farewith thee in thiscafe, as it dothwith onegazing toomuchupon the Surine;who lookingdown- wards again!,can fee juft nothing,whereas before he cleere- ly d''?erned all colours about him. Looke upon them for Emil ionandquickning, notfor fla.vifhdejeftionand Life- 4. To acknowledge and expe&, that heavenl y graces, as Faith, &c, while they inhabite there earthly houfes,ebbe and flow, waxeand wane,faint, and fiourifh; by reafon of the combat betweene theFlefh and the Spirit, So that if a a Lunaipfa, !lâ man (hould tellmee ; that bee bath ever prayed alike, with- prophecicis ora cre` s îpecies sc out temptation, or darnpes,without any fenfe atany timeofc(ex fignravur, deadneffe or fpirituall diftempers ; that bee bath ever belee- cùrn ps tTurn - ved alike, without thole doubts and fcruples, that faintneffe {}runs ætatest r.; and feare, of which moil Chriftians fo much complaine; f ób,,isuo its abs durst confidently reply, that thenhe never either prayedac- ceptably, or beleeved fivingly. The Fathers a fitly refem- tua cotup1 Solis hIe the Elate of the Church to thevariable condition of the abfomens,clar, ; Moone; which fometimes (hines more glorionfly, Tome- rp:endore b!ga- T,s irrecilat. timesnot fo : It is fo altowith every truemember thereof,in ,.lm6.Epiff.tib> refpeEt ofthe. exercife ofgrace,comfort in holy duties,fen f s. Ep'f6. 3n> of