Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The &piffle Dedicatory. life. Howfoever they bee neglected and trampled up- on by the world and wicked men ; yet in the judge- ment ofGod hinifelfe,the bleffed fpirits, and all men of true worthindeed, they are theonely Angels upon earth, and the royall citizens of this kingdome of Grace. The profecution ofthis point would be com- fortable, but fo I fhould bemore tedious. Nomore but this therefore at this time : Certaine it ìs,ifa man were crowned with the royall Bate, and imperiali command of all the kingdomes upon earth; ifhis heart were enlarged to theutmoft ofall created capa- city, and filled with all the exquifite and unmixed pleafures,that the reachofmortalitie , and mott am- bitious curiofitie could pofiibly devife ; and might (without interruption and diftafte) enjoy them the lengthofthe worlds duration; they were all nothing to the enjoyment ofthe preciousand peereleffecom- fortsof the flare of Grace, but even for an houre. I fpeake the truth,I ufe no Hyperbole, the Spirit ofall comfort, and confciences ofall true Chriflians bea- ring mewitneflè. Good Sir,let me humbly entreare you with a proportionablezeale and fervency,to en- cline and enlarge your affections to the purfuit and praáife of foexcellent and glorious an happinefie. Which that you may do, I will continually proftrate and powre out my foule inpraier, before the Throne of Graceandmercy : And reft Your Wor,¡bips tobe comman- doevenire the Lordlefty, ROBS RT SOL TON.