comfortable walkisg with God. beard nor perceived by the Bare, neither bath the eye Jeexe, 0 God befider thee, what- Nee bath prepared for him ¡bat a wai- teth for him, Efey64.4. Waiting patiently for the Lords 7nn commingtocornf,rtus,either intemporall or fpirituall di -a bae.p lo. tireffes ; is a right pleating and acceptabledurle, and fervice ,me,eur unto God, which he is wont to crown,: with multiplied ürmuANH,,r and overflowing refrefhings, when he comes. SeeEfxy 40. ßòd aïi n 3 t. Nay, and thouldctt thou die in this Rate of waiting, rte;:a u7 :uea= if thy heart in the meane time fincerely hate all gnne; hi heartily thirftforthe mercyof God in Chritt;- and refolve truely uponnewuniverfall obedience for the timetocome; thou fhalt be cettainely faxed; becaufe the Holy Ghoft faith, Efy 30. 18, Bled are all ¡bey thin Waite for bias. 6, That defe&s, difira&iens,failings inour fpirituallex- ercifes, and undertakings groanedunder,grieved for,and ilri= ven again(},byanuprightheart ; are fo farre fromnullifying grace, that they fhouldnot bereaveusofpeace ofconfcience, orinterrupt our fweete communion and comfortable wal- king with ourGod. 7: Not to confine, undervalue, and extenuate themer- cies ofGod,promifesoflife, the holySpirits Laving works upon thy foule ; and the prefent graces thou poflefieft in truth, &c. There cautionspremifed, let us come to the examining and anfwering of'fome complaints and counterpleas a- gainft entertainment of comfort, which are wont to a. rife in troubled confcieuces, out of ignorance, and mif conceit of the mercifull wayesof God; and themytterie of his free love through Chritt: and doe thou conceive, that proportionable foveraigne Antidotes and counter- comforts may be colle&ed alto in abundance out of Gods blefied Books; againit the refit, .or any reply what- foever. And to begin with the firft cries of aChriftian;in the pangsofhis New birth. I. A poore foulehaving wallowed long in vanityofvil- hales andvanities;oflufl &liceatioufnefe ;isnowbydivine bleffing;. 383,