Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

;84 - Generall direíáiosrs for a bleliing at this or the other Sermon (}rucke thorow by the Sword ofthe Spirit with penitent :'remorfe; and his heart broken into peeces by the hammer of the Law. In this depth of heavieft diflrefl'e, and bleeding cafe; hee calls his eyes upon Ieftes Chr f lifted up in the Miniflerie as an Anticype to the brazen Serpent, for his comfortable bin- ding up, and everlafling cure. Thole Meffengers of God, Z cob .33.23.,,a who are able to declare unto man hie uprightnef, af- lure him in the Word of life and truth,and charge himin His name who was anointed by the Lord for that Iurpofe, andappointed by theFather ofmercies tocomfort all Mour- Brayik.8.2. nerr in Zion ;that now being tritely cat downe under Gods mighty hand, thirfling for the blood of Chríf}, and fini cerelyrefolving upon a new courte for the time to come;He would turnehis legali terrours, into Evangelical) weeping, joy ;put onbeauty for afhes, thegarment ofpraife, for the fpirit ofheavineffe; That hee might be called a Treeafrighte- Vat 3. oufnejje, the planting ofthe Lord, that bee might be glorified. Oh now, fayes he, out ofthe deepe fenfe of hisbottomleffe vileneffe, Thenewes is too good tobe true, towir,that now the bleffed SonneofGod, and all the precious, rich purcha- fes ofhis unvaluable paillon fhould belong untome, the finfullefi wretch that the earth beares, who havedefperately fpent mydayes and f'trength fo long in the furious ferviceof Satan;and mineowne fenfuall lull, &c.whereuponhe refutes comfort, and chufesrather to finke againe and languifh un- der the horrours ofguiltineffe andfeare. Whereas hee fhould incomparably more honour and pleafe theGodof all com- fort, bymiffinghis mercy, Pealing to his truth ; then by un- feafonable fufpe&ing his juflice andpower. Here then hewofuIly failes and forgets himfelfe in a di- firuf}} }full under-prizingGods incomprehenfible greatneffe, Almightie mercy, unlimited liberalitie and freeneffeof his love. He is in this cafe, not fo much to coníider,what is fit for him to receive, as convenient for the ability andbounty offogreat andgoodaGod, as the mighty Lord ofHeaven And Earth togive; who, as I toldyou before upon other gccafiom, Both all things like Hinifelfe. If hee build, bee makes vim