comfortable alking with God. makes a World. If hee be angry with the world,; bee fends a floud over the face of the whole earth. Ifhee goes out with the Armies of the Saints, heemakes the Sunne (land Hill, the Starres to fight, theSeas to (wallow up themo(t dreadfull 4rmadaes. Ifhe love, the precious hearts blood ofhis owne Sonne is not too deare. i.f he deliver any man, Hepulshimout of the hand of the Prince of darkeneffe; and frees him from everla(ling flames. If any become his Favourite through ChrItsmeditation, Hee will makehim a King,give him a Paradife, and feta Crowne oferemitic upon his head.Earthly Princes at their pleafures ennoble thofe they love, with Dukedomes, Matque&iomes, Earledomes. What then,doe you thinke, (hall be done unto the man,whorn the KingofHeaven defires, and delights to honour ? Let us then, I fay,in fuch cafes,confider not fomuch what is fit for us filly wormes to receive ; as for fo great a God tobellow. If wee can once bring hearts bruited andbroken with theburdenof ourfumes, bleeding andweeping untohis Mercyfeate ; Hee will thinke allthemeritorious fufferings ofhis Sonne;all the promifes in his Booke ;all the comforts ofhis Spirit; all the pleafures in his Kingdome little enough for usifwe looke upon our felves,finfull wretches,we mightjuilly feare theex. tremeft torments,fiercefl flames, and loweft dungeon inhell, infinitely rather than expeEta Kingdome.But Hee lovesus freely, Hof: i4.4. It ishis pleafure to giveus a Kingdom_ : Fearenot little flock, faith Chrift; for it isimp bathe good od pleafure togive you theKingdome, Lull r2.3 . g pleafure ofthe KingofKings, tobellow aKingdome upon a truelyhumbled foule, whichhe makes in themeane time his Royall Throne hereupon Earth, Eft), 57.1 5. What can Man or Devill, or any di (truflfuti heart fay againft it ? And why fhouldít thou,being Inch anone, be fo unmannerly and unthanke(uilsnay,fo onneceffarily cruck co thine owne heavy heart,as not toopen the everlafting doore of thy foule by the key of Faith, to let the Kingofglory, knocking with his hand of mercy,come in and cr ne it with grace and glory, withcomfort andeverlatting peace ?` I Banalas, fayeshe, my fumes are mod than any mans. Now 385