386 Generali direct-lions for. a Now when 1 am tèarching into the fluke of them, ,I can finde.neicher banke nor bottome. Vnnumbred fwarmes of graffe .impieties and iniquities thorciw my whole life; of abominable impurities andpollutions,which havecontinu- allydefiledmy minde,heart, and affeLions, armedwith five- tallflings ofterrour, doe fo reftlefly preflê uponmywoun- ded confcience, and oppreffe it ; that Icannot, I dare not thinke upon, orlooke towards anycomfott. Omuta unique Let.thembe what they . are, and adde thereunto all the fate pecc lin Per- finnes which have, are, and fhall be committed byall the eec iui unquam fonnes anddaughters of Adam from the Creation, to the impetabir,ettamfr endof the World ; exceptingfinn,a ainfl the holy Ghofl sot cant,quot P g , .ernes fimo! ho- andyet in anheart trulyhumbled under them,heartilyhating ,nines ccxcrmife- them all,comming witha fincere fpirltuall hunger at*Chrifts cuec; fi tamenex anhnodolcatpu. Call to be disburdened of them,. they can make no ,more re ad glorian refiftance.aga-infi the mercies ofGod, than a little fparke of Dei, &idea po- iniquitues funálu fire again(l themighty Sea,throwne into-the midis ofit;nay, iniqu tat,quad infinitely lefíe. For all there finneswould be finite both eas ncodrfplice- innatureand number ; butGods mercies are every way infi- re iaeliigit. nite. Nowbetweene that which is finite, and that which is Lib de couplet. Pup. infinite, there is noproportion, and fo no poffbilitie ofre- * Mat, r r. a8 fiftance.Whence it is,that the Prophet inviting his people to repentance,Efay 5 5.7.by affuring themofGods fweete, mer- ciful' and gracious difpofit}on, left any too fearefull and de- jetted fpirit under-valuing.Gods mercy, fhould thinke thus within it felfe : Be it fo : yet alas, my finnes are fo many, Ind faciaa fonne ofBelial have 1 been, and foendlefly provoked theglory ofhis pure eye, that Ican exile&no mercy: the pollutions ofmyyouth have been fo prodigious and infe&i- ous, that Ihave no face to preffeunto his Throneof Grace &c. Godhimfeifedash there purpofely prevent the objeai- on, and speaking to our capacitie,which cannot comprehend infinity,replies tothis fenfe:Oh fly nor fo! Stay all finch de- fpitefull thoughts doe not can the incomprehenuiibleneffe ofmyanercy,in the narrow mouldof thy finite (hallow con ceite : doe not founworthilydo,ridge and confine the unli- mited and boundleflé compaf iori of the mighty Lord of F`erfe.S,9. Haven and Earth : Far my thoughts, are not _pater tbaaghts, neither