comfortable walking with sod. 3 7 neither are your wager my wayes : for as the heavens are higher than the earth, To are my, wayes higher than your wayes, andmy thoughts thanyour thoughts. Many a bruifed reedewuuld not exchange the comfort, which the weakell faith may extraci out of this fweetell place, for all the Kingdomcs of the earth. For he faithnot, that his wayes and thoughts of knowledge and wifedorne ; but his wayes and thoughts ofmercy, are as farre above ours, as the. Heavens are above the Earth : In- deed,as himfelfe is above man, which is, infinitely. And take noticeby the way, that the mercies ofGod doe exercìfe this infinite unref.flablepower onely in truely humbled beleeving foules s heartily hating, and fìncerely fet againfi all finne. I fay fo, Tel any impenirennfhould prevent this precious point, or trample upon this Pearle.. For as in fach a foule no finnes either for number or notorioufnefre, -tan poffibly withfland, or land before Gods infinite mercies : fo not one drop ofall thole infinite mercies belongs unto any that gees on willing- lyand deligh cfally>hatingtobe reformed in any one known linne,or thathe might know, and wilfully forbeares tobe in- formed. As the invaluable blood of Chrill turnes the 'very fcarlet(innes ofthe truely broken beleevingheart into whited ¡how , fo it will never wafh away the teal finfull flaine,from th rcud heartof any unhumbled Pharifee. Let none there= forehat goes on (till inhis trefpaffes, take upany vaine con- fidence, or alit, grounded conclufion of falle comfort from hence,by mif=conceiving thus : It is to, that the infnitenel e of Goäs mercy cannot be refittedby thegreatneffe, or multi- tudeoftimes, being ever finiteboth in their number andna- ture ? How is it poßîble then that I fhould m ffe of thole in- finite mercies ? Whymay not I comfortably hope, that my fìnnes alfo shall be fwallowedup in that bottomlefie Sea ? I will tell theewhy. As the power of God, though it be in- finite, yet is limited by his will: fo the mercies of God, though theybe infinite areregulated byhis truth, He is able to makemillions of Worlds moe, but yet we fee, his Will was but to create one. His mercies tranfcend with itnzneafurable diilance,the height ofHeaven, anddepth of Held, and are in C c deed,