Generall direar©r.r for ä deed,as Himfelfe,infinìrc: but his truthhath told us,thtt none (hail have part in them; but thole alone who repent andbe- leeve. Gods Truth revealtd°in his Word; Iiaìill'ever ebn the current of his compafiions, and is he toitcl one fo ti t and qualifie th.afe,co whonrahis rnetcies belong See then what kinder of people are partakers of Gods infinite mercies, by the teltimor;y of that Word of Truth, by which wee ni fl be judged at thelaft Day;.Pray, 28,1 ;.Li k.4 i8. Ifa: 6r. 1,2,3. Pfal. r5.. Ezek. :8. 2f. Pia(. 147, 3 "Ifa.'55. 7. Pfal, 34 t$; Salomon faith in the citedplace; He that confefetband forfit ketb bisfan ùs,fhall hovemercy, How then can flee expec}any tnercy,who takes themnot to heart,but ties in them dill ? III. Of the pard'onahteneffe of my other °firms, faith another, I could bec reafonably wæ11 perfwaded but ala§, there is one above all the rell, which now upon'difcovery and remofe, I finde tobee full of ranke and hellifh poyfon offuch a deepe anddamnable die ; to have flrooke fo dcfpe- rattly in the dayes of my lewdneffe, at thevery face of God himfelfe; and farre dcepelier-into the heart of kfiil Cbrif, then the fpeare that pierced him, bleeding upon the croffe; and thereupon at this prcfenr, ¡tares in the eye of my newly awaked and wounded confcience, with Inch borrowr and grief1ineffe,that I feare me, divine Julilee will-thinke" it fitter; tohave this molt loathfome,inexpiable fane;'rather at length fired out of my foule with everlafting flames; '(if it were pofïiblethat eternal( fire could expiate the (irifull ftaines of any impenitent damned foule) then to bee fairely ,wafted away inthe meane time with His blood, whom I fó cruelly and curfedly pierced with it Oh I this is it that lies now up. on my heart like a mountaine of Lead, farre heavier then Heavemand Earth, andenchaines it with inexplicable terrour to the dull and place of Dragons. This alone flings defpc= rately;keepes me from I"hrifta and cuts me offfrom all hope ofHeaven. I am afraid, my wilfull wallowing in it hereto. fore, bath fo reprobated my trìinde, feared my confcience, and hardened myheart, that I (hall never be able to repent with any hopeofpardon. And