comfrtable walking with God; 3 $9 Andwhy fo ? I this thine of thin: greater, then A4ang- fbs familiaritie with wicked fpirits : jThen Palsdrinking up the blood of Saints ?.Then any of theirs in that blacke Bill, s Cord tom. who notwithilanding were afterward upon repentance wafhed,, fan ified and> jultified in the name of theLord Iefus, and by the Spirit of our God ? Then Eves tranfgretíions who opened the floodgate to all the fines which that' be committed from the Creation to the end of the world,and toalLthofe torments which (hall flame inHell elgrow all eternitie ? Then that horrible fiirn e of killing ChriftIefus? And yetthe murderers of that Tuft and holy One, upon their true compunction of heart, werefaved by ¿that precious blood,which theyhad cruelly fpill aswater up- on the ground, But be it what it will, a fcarlet finne, acrim on finne, acrying finne ; and adde unto it 5atans malicious aggravations: and all that horrour, which the dejeLtedneffe of thy:prefentaffieted fpirir,anddarkeneífeofthy melancho- like.imagination can put upon it;yet Pauls precious Antidote Rom.S.zo. holds triumphantly Soveraigne atwell againft the hainounetfe of any one finne, as the confluence of many, ¡Wherefinne abounded,grace over-abounded. It is indeed a ve- rrer> ryheavy cafe, and to be deplored evenwith teares ofblood, that thou(houldeft ever have fo highly dithonoured thygra- cious God,with.fuch anhorrible finne inthe dayes of thy va- nitie, and thou oughteft rather chute tdt bee torne in peeces a Non aiité with Wilde Horfes, then commit it againe ; yet ifthy heart quail) fi quis fE_ now treeiy wounded with horrour and hate of it, will but broirtaatem, /,71í0 nOA i0a cleave to the truth and tender-heartednefle of ileitis Chrift in iümiiberarer, his promifes, and fall into his bieiled and bleeding armes c , érebsr.á flretched out molt lovingly to cafe and refrelh thee; as the d m & c'onfpici: hainoufneffeof it bath abounded heretofore ; HiS , racewill um; aureraurf tem,aonpafce- nowabound to the fame a proportion ; and much more : ret foiutn, fed8e Nay,I will (hew thee a F carte. In this cafeby accident Gods n'nrnn' con fit tuerit°itDontí= mercies (hall beextraordmarily honoured, in pardoning fuck num ;aeiue in a prodigious provocation , becaufe they are thereby, as it mreat m', patum.vehe® xin. were, put unto it, and their deareneffe, f weernelle, and iní , cbrypftiff.icin cap. nitcnefl'e improved to the greater height and excellencie ; a4X°n,' C c, a and