Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

390 Cenerall direllionsfar á tliagnit"d° & and b the blood of Chrilt made as it were,, more orient and redundanciagra- > > Zia per peccacum illultcious ; and the honour and preciouïncffe of it advanced, abundans,fitma- by waffling away filch an hainous p hellifh ¡Pot. If we bring gis con fpicua 0.0 enim brokenbelecvinghearts towards his Mercy faate ; it is the =orbits eß ff de- ó Lords Name to forTive all forts of o ences, ç . in3 uitie t p]orttior : tant ., G1 fKnro mcdicina vis,& grefan,andProve, Exod. ? 4 7. It is His Covenant to fprinkle rs or. Sic a fit evidantidenti cleanewater upon us e that wee may be cleane, and ro cleanse quancd reams tásrorall our filtbineßef and from all our Idoli, Ezek. 56.25%, peccatorum no- ev firoruin lege fa- en from '.dolatry, the highett villany.againft the Majc1 }%e *us eft gravior; of Heaven o So that a Papia, upon repentance may beCaved.; tarinde tea, h is His pro/wife not onely to pardon ordinary. lianes, hut quæiode nos eri- pit,immenficas, thofe alto which be as fcarlet,: and red like crimfon,Ifa.z.18a ait reddita ilea_ It is His freecompaflion to calte all our Pinnes into the depths ftrior Par. Tollens iniqui- of theCea,Mich.7.59. Now the fea, by reafon of hisvatneffe tacem; peccacum candrowne as well Mountaines as Molehils.: the bound. & rcelus.'Sic e. xcimexprinaitur lcffe Ocean of Gods mercies can fwailow up our mightieft magnitudquod Onnes as a cloud,Efa.44.a2, Now the flrength ofthe Sum® non levibusran- mers Sunne is able to fewer the thicken Fog, as well as the tir. a,fed s let thinners Min nay, to drive away the darken midnight a thé elmdefedgra- ; > vifiimis quibufq; unrefiftabte heateofGods free love fhining thorow the Sunna fseleribu in o W fRiohteoufnef e upon penitent foule , ve to nothing diffolhing the Lori eta' t7 p fjreakvi, offergi- the defperaten workc of darkeneffe, and mon horrible finne vine,nameththefe farte more eafily But this mytterie ofmercy, and miracleos' three degrees;:, Mery that there it _ Gods free love, is a Jewell onely for truely humbled srfinfo bainoat, fouies, and thefealed Fountaine, Letnoftran g whethertiaturaa r- corrxDtion,oroat. to the life of god!itleffe meddle with it, wardtrangreffio,i, Let no Swine trample it under . wrfliffe-necked prefumptien;but . his fete Simi repentance, themercy ofGad is pale a? ready to Moltit.ilitrpa, 1g ,,