Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Table.: relàpfeso how the wicked 40 Manyhurt by illcempany, 74. ?spills foullflánder our profefon. Three rules of converting with ibid. prophane. 86 2. Abhorre fervile and hypocritical! Hoar tocanverfeewithgoodcompany. obedience. 43 Divers orts.o FI crates. tbtr f f 4p° 44 5 Specialty loa4 to thy i , orer Neceffitieofwalking infomeperticu- thoughts. 2. to lLepe oser thoughts lar calling: 48 fufje&i to Gods will, 88 Rules thereof, ibi. Godteeth our thoughts. 89 3. Deny thy fe'lfc, 5 i Godly be troubled for their thought 4. Live by Faith. e forlu.ffificati- ibid. on.2.for SanF,.iification, 53 Wen fr give account for everyidte 5.Speciall regard fubfiantiall mat- thought. ib, ter: ofChriflianiy. 5y Godis glorifiedby our thoughts. 90 6. Acmefirongly againfl worldlineffè. Nothingcan hinder our thoughts, ib; 6o Someheavenly thoughts. ib;. 7. Beravifhedwith Gods Love. 6r Thoughtsbe moll f irituall,` 9 t ; 8 Prize Godsfavour above all, with ; , 2. To watch over our°hearts, which a free acre f i tohim. Er$t' are at a Citie befegcd. ib, 9.Conffant meditations on Chrif 63 What hurt by the tare andeyc, 92 a o.Oft think .ofthe ,oyes-'ofheaven. Crufb ill thoughts in riling, nourifh 65 good. .93 Geaaerall direhiorts. 66 3. Lift up -the heart to heavenly Confcionableperformance ofboly dne- thoughts. ibid" tie:4 ibid 6. Watch over thy unrulypalions at LA difpo f Lion before,not living Anger. 94 infirm; 67 Lifien to the counfe l'ofmorall men in 2.Afpirituallbehavioterin them, 68 manyparticulars, 95 3.Labour for what weprayfor, 69 There is a holy Anger. 99 2,Decline Idlenef, 70 1,To fie Godin all croffe: is chiefe, 3,Bzing folitary,meditate, with!land tomoderate danger, 100 thoughts of pleafure. 71 2. Goilrpatience to(inners, ib, Nìurifh no wickd thoughts. 72 NeedleSe f fiares breed' ,cau fh f for. Let not opportunityflip. ib. rower. 104 4. Company,fbunne evil!; 73 Comforts againff theft fare:. 108 7wofldfellowfhip ; commrni,lawfull Somegriefee for troubles longpaft. fro with'allfpeciall'.not lawful!, ib. Spirituali joyandferroty agree. tit 7. 1,6eke.